
Microsoft to buy Yahoo!, again?

Yahoo!It’s no secret, after CEO Carol Bartz was fired a few weeks ago, that Yahoo! is actively exploring its options, up to and including putting itself up for sale.  At AsiaD, Yahoo! co-founder Jerry Yang explained:

“The intent going

Microsoft “It’s great to be a family” spots debut

Microsoft has just posted a couple of its new “It’s great to be a family” ads on YouTube.  The work of ad agency Cripin, Porter + Bogusky, the ads play on the family theme, showing families interacting with the family …

Skype is now officially part of Microsoft

skypeMicrosoft has just officially announced that the deal to acquire Skype for $8.5 billion, first announced on May 10, 2011, has closed.  According to the press release:

Skype CEO Tony Bates will assume the title of president of the

Oh look, Xbox 720 rumors all over the place!

xbox720_logo1_1On a day that saw continued Blackberry problems, the release of iOS, which while for some was quite the joyous occasion, seemingly took forever for others and for some even bricked their iPads or iPhones, and news of …

The end of the Zune player era, redux

Finally.  We don’t even want to go through the whole story again, it’s too embarrassing, but after a number of miscues, the Zune player has been (we hope) finally put to rest.  The notice on the players support

Silverlight to power apps on the new Xbox 360 dashboard update

Xbox DashboardMicrosoft announced its new Xbox 360 dashboard update during E3 2011, and announced nearly 40 TV and entertainment partners worldwide a few days ago which will be featured in the next Xbox LIVE update. An article from Gigaom today …

Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype approved by EU

skype rainbowFollowing US approval of the $8.5 billion deal by Microsoft to acquire Skype, the European Union today announced that it has also approved the deal.  In a press release, Microsoft’s General Counsel Brad Smith noted the approval:

We’re pleased

New Xbox TV partners to run Kinect enabled ads

kinect-nuads-062111Yesterday Microsoft unveiled an impressive lineup of new content coming to Xbox Live: networks like SyFy, MSNBC, the Today Show, TMZ, and more.  What yesterday’s announcement didn’t say is that along with all this new content, Microsoft is planning …

The “insanely awesome” but not quite available Xbox Companion app for Windows Phone

6558_phone_oneScreen_thumb_7FBDF462Lots of news around Xbox today, including news coming from a blog post on the Windows Phone blog that along with Xbox, Kinect, Bing, and a host of new entertainment providers, Windows Phone is joining the party with a …

Microsoft, Entertainment Partners to “Transform TV” with Xbox Live

As expected, Microsoft announced in a press release today that it is expanding partnerships with entertainment providers to bring new services to Xbox Live on the Xbox 360 this holiday season.

Nearly 40 TV and entertainment providers from more …