
Hotmail, Yahoo continue to dominate Gmail (we knew that)

Some new numbers published yesterday by may be surprising to some: although popular sentiment is that “everyone uses Gmail”, the numbers don’t bear that out.  Here’s a pie chart of US internet traffic to web-based email clients for September …

The future of Silverlight – revealed?

“Just like an extra day of PDC, dedicated to Silverlight” is how Microsoft is billing a newly announced Silverlight Firestarter event complete with keynote by Microsoft Corporate Vice President Scott Guthrie entitled “The Future of Silverlight Starts Now”;


In case …

Windows Live Messenger: #2 Facebook app

ReadWriteWeb noticed what they termed quite a surprise today, that Windows Live Messenger is the second most used app in Facebook (after Farmville, of course) with some 9 million daily active users:


And as RWW points out, only about …

It’s official: full session SSL for Hotmail, more

We’ve been telling you about full session SSL coming for Hotmail, and today an announcement on the Inside Windows Live blog makes it official: full session SSL is available for Hotmail, although it won’t work if you use a …

Tech•Ed Europe Keynote Live today

Tech•Ed Europe kicks off today, and you can watch the keynote live here.

The keynote in other time zones

Full-session SSL for Hotmail is here!

Last week we told you about certain limitations with the full-session SSL feature for Hotmail, and told you that it will be coming very soon. Well, today, thanks to a tip from John S., we were told that the new …

Xbox Kinect brings Messenger Video chat to Xbox 360

Xbox Kinect is now available in the US – and soon, around the world. At Windows Live they are very excited about this because it gives our more than 300 million Messenger users worldwide a new way to stay connected …

Use your favorite email address within Hotmail? It’s EASI!

Microsoft announced today a new feature for Hotmail, called EASI ID, allowing you to set up your favorite email address to use Hotmail and get the benefits of features like Sweep, or sending 10GB of (50MB each) pictures in one …

Did Windows Live Calendar cancel November?

LiveSide reader Alex alerted us to a problem with Windows Live Calendar that apparently started within the last 24 hours or so, where users have found all their Calendar appointments for most of the month of November and the early …

Microsoft All in, all over

One thing we learned this week at PDC, Microsoft is All In, all over the place.  This year, they’ve been All In with Azure and the cloud..

“For the cloud, we’re all in,” said Ballmer during an address and