
Windows Phone “Mango” finally supports multiple calendars, calendar subscriptions, and to-do lists

Windows Live CalendarMicrosoft officially unveiled Windows Phone “Mango” this morning in New York City, and touted a few major features coming in the next major release of the mobile operating system. However, it was almost impossible to cover all of the over …

A new SkyDrive, PDF tools, Twitter for Windows Live: lots of juicy bits from Mango

OK so we’re a little upset we weren’t able to make it to New York today for the Mango announcements, but we’ve been making up for it by keeping a close eye on all the tidbits coming out today, and …

The one where we gather up all the Mango news in one post

windows phone banner

While there were few surprises in today’s Mango announcement if you’ve been following the news, it was fun to see everything presented at once, officially.  It’s a pretty impressive showing, and if Microsoft can keep its promises, all current Windows …

What to expect from the Windows Phone 7.5 VIP event?

It’s not long until Microsoft reveals to the world what’s under the hood in its upcoming Windows Phone 7.5 update, codenamed "Mango". On May 24th at 10am EDT, Microsoft will be holding a VIP Preview party in New York and …

First screenshot leaked for Windows Live SkyDrive Wave 5

With all the news on Windows Phone and Windows 8 recently, things had been quite quiet on the Windows Live front. But that doesn’t mean the Windows Live teams have been resting. Bits and pieces have surfaced from the recent …

It’s confirmed: Microsoft to acquire Skype for $8.5 billion

Skype on Windows Phone 7Our previous reports earlier today indicating that Microsoft to acquire Skype has been confirmed, with Microsoft releasing a press release this morning announcing that the internet communications company will be bought for $8.5 billion, the largest acquisition in Microsoft’s history. …

Bing Streetside coming soon to UK?

Bing Maps Streetside, which provides an “on the ground” look at mapping locations, allowing you to “walk” certain streets and see stitched together photographic images of the area, has only up until this point been available for certain parts of …

More on East Asian Language support on Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango”

We all saw during the MIX 11 conference that Microsoft will be expanding language support to 16 different languages, including East Asian languages such as Chinese, Korean and Japanese:

East Asian Language support in WP7

It appears Long Zheng from iStartedSomething.com has more information about this …

New Bing Maps iOS SDK

Microsoft just released a new Bing Maps iOS SDK. This new SDK gives developers a set of Objective C classes to develop iPhone and iPad applications within Xcode, along with documentation and several sample projects to help them get …

Microsoft announces OAuth 2.0 support for Messenger Connect

oauthAt the Internet Identity Workshop today in Mountain View, Microsoft has announced that it will support OAuth 2.0 in the next version of Messenger Connect, according to a blog post by Dare Obasanjo on the Windows Live for Developers blog