
Massive Windows on ARM post includes video peeks at Office 15, “Live” Metro apps

paintToday in an 8,000+ word epic on Windows on ARM, Steven Sinofsky finally lifted the curtains on some of what we can expect from Windows 8 running on ARM architectures, which he says will be available in the same …

Google reportedly readies GDrive, again (and again, and again)

PLATYPUS-1A report from the Wall St. Journal today has Google readying a launch for its version of Dropbox/SkyDrive/iCloud (although they don’t even mention SkyDrive), called Drive.  The new service, which the WSJ says may be launching “in the coming weeks …

Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 – and the future of syncing and sharing

If you had been following LiveSide, you might’ve heard about the recent news about Windows Phone 8 from an allegedly leaked video featuring Joe Belfiore, Microsoft Senior Vice President for Windows Phone, speaking about the latest features on Windows Phone …

Windows 8 has a special Bing homepage, Consumer Preview name all but confirmed

Today a special Bing page was spotted (My Digital Life via Twitter) that is designed for users of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. The homepage features a HTML video of a betta fish swimming across the screen, the fish …

Windows Phone 8 details leak through video: Pocketnow.com

Windows-Phone-8Pocketnow.com has revealed a number of new details about Windows Phone 8, code named Apollo, after apparently getting their hands on a video featuring Microsoft Senior Vice President Joe Belfiore, and intended for partners at Nokia.

While Pocketnow doesn’t …

Windows Phone “Tango” will support 120 languages, C++ development support coming soon

Windows Phone TangoAccording to WPSauce (via WMPU), Microsoft revealed some interesting information during a Windows Phone developers camp in India today. According to Karthik Ragubathy, who had been attending this event, the on-stage speaker had confirmed to the attendees that the …

Switching to Hotmail: what’s stopping you?

ms-hotmail-logoToday we reported on an effort by our pals over at Hotmail to make a little hay on some of Google’s recent negative publicity, by posting 3 simple steps on how to switch from Gmail to Hotmail.  Since then, in …

Xbox rumors everywhere

xbox720_logo1_1Seems like just about everyone (except Microsoft) is talking about some aspect of a new Xbox or Xbox experience lately, from Microsoft Points to powerful new processors to lots of speculation (and, we assume, a few wild guesses) about when …

Microsoft releases another iOS app, MSN UK for iPad

Microsoft has today announced the release a new app for Apple’s iOS platform; MSN UK for iPad. The app is divided into the categories found on the news portal and each one can all be navigated with horizontal swiping …

Bing Maps to carry the Nokia brand

bingmapsPocket-lint, “the largest independent gadget news and reviews site in the UK”, scored an interview at CES with Nokia CEO Stephen Elop, who revealed a bit of news about the the future branding for what’s now known as Bing Maps.