
Metro-styled Windows Live web services coming soon, with screenshots

One of the most popular suggestions we’ve heard from our readers on how to improve Windows Live is to overhaul its web service’s user interface, and bring it more in-line with the Metro UI used in Windows Phone, Windows 8 …

Hotmail Calendar updated to Wave 5 M3, signs of upgrade for other Windows Live services soon?

Windows LiveStarting with Windows Live Wave 5, Microsoft had moved away from the large “wave” updates that happens every one-and-a-half years and moved towards a tighter update schedule that brings “a little bit of innovation” every few months. But when …

A different Bing for everyone?

We’ve been getting a number of tips in the past few weeks about new features and new looks showing up on Bing, including the “tile interface” Bing home page (thanks, John):

new bing

.. and a new, more Metro-y search results page …

Microsoft details Windows Live Essentials 2011 QFE3 update changes

Windows Live EssentialsMicrosoft released an update for Windows Live Essentials 2011 two weeks ago, bumping the version number to 15.4.3555.0308. However, as we mentioned in a follow-up post, the Windows Live team did not mention what was changed in this updated …

Brand new Nokia Windows Phone revealed via design patent in the US (and we’ve seen it before!)

German blog NokiaPort.de recently noticed that the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) had granted a design patent filed by Nokia Corporation on March 13, 2012 (D655,698). The filing includes a new smartphone design from the Finnish company, a phone …

Microsoft is getting ready for next version of Office Web Apps preview for SkyDrive

Microsoft Office Web AppsOffice 15 had been a hot topic recently in the press, with a series of screenshots leaked from the Office 15 technical preview. As part of the Office productivity suite, there is also a cloud-counterpart called Office Web Apps, which …

Fifth Nokia Windows Phone – Nokia Lumia 719 device image leaked

NokiaWe’ve seen the device name Nokia Lumia 719 popped up several times before, both on the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) website as well as the Chinese SRRC radio management agency. Details had been vague about the device, and …

Windows Phone “Tango” 256MB RAM device limitations and new features officially confirmed

Windows Phone TangoMicrosoft revealed the next update to Windows Phone 7.5, codenamed “Tango”, during Mobile World Congress this year. However, the company had been particularly silent about this update, mainly due to the fact that the update is targeted at bringing …

Are you a Windows 8 fan?

windows 8 beta fishIt’s been almost a week since the download links for the Windows 8 Consumer Preview have gone live, and if you were one of the million or so previewers to get the bits, you’ve had some time to install and …

The big news (and impressive showing) from Nokia at MWC

Nokia just concluded its press conference in Barcelona at MWC with the unveiling of 5 new phones (only one of them a Windows Phone), new software experiences, and a pretty amazing new imaging technology called “PureView”.  Also announced were …