
Bing announces new social search

Bing has scheduled a live webcast for 10 am PDT today, just a few minutes from now, to introduce “The New Bing”, which includes a new sidebar to interact with your friends to be able to search more socially.

A …

Windows Phone Developer Summit: Will we see Windows Phone 8 in June?

wpdevsummitBack around one year ago at MIX 2011, Microsoft officially unveiled the developer features of the then-new Windows Phone “Mango” platform. With Microsoft’s cancellation of the MIX conference this year, there seems to be one less event for Windows …

So what about Windows Live Writer?

save wlwYesterday’s Windows 8 blog post on the “reimagining” of Windows Live, or, if you prefer, the “ditching” or “killing” of Windows Live, (as it was referred to in numerous tech blogs commenting on the post),  as is customary when …

Microsoft says goodbye to “Windows Live”: Building Windows 8 blog

windows liveIn a post on the Building Windows 8 blog this morning, Corporate Vice President Chris Jones laid out the thinking behind what he calls “Windows Live, reimagined”, which perhaps most significantly, includes the zinger confirmation that Windows Live “did …

Microsoft buys a foothold in the ebooks game with Barnes and Noble partnership

barnes__noble_logo_1The big news today is that Microsoft and Barnes and Noble have announced a new partnership where B&N will spin off its Nook E-Reader and its educational books business into a new, as yet named “newco”, backed by a $300 …

Woodstock at E3? Why a new Microsoft music service might just make sense

woodstockIn an exclusive report from The Verge today, Tom Warren has revealed that Microsoft may be planning to unveil a new music service at E3, according to his sources.  The new service, code named “Woodstock”, would replace the current but …

SkyDrive desktop features released: act now to save your free 25GB storage

Google Drive on the horizon: can SkyDrive measure up?

Google-DriveThe Next Web considered themselves lucky yesterday to be on the receiving end of a draft release, purportedly from a Google partner,  giving away “a wealth of information” on Google’s upcoming competitor to Dropbox and SkyDrive.  That service, which …

Nokia design patent reveals another Windows Phone concept device

Remember the Nokia concept Windows Phone device revealed via a US Patent approved a few weeks ago? Well it seems like more concept Windows Phone devices are being patented by Nokia with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Design …

Could Microsoft sell Bing to Facebook?

facebingOK this is pretty far-fetched, but according to a post on Barron’s Tech Trader Daily blog, CNBC editor Gary Kaminsky “made passing reference to a report that apparently claims Microsoft might be considering giving its “Bing” search operations to …