Author Archive

Skype news: Messenger shutting down, new Video Messages, and lots of growth

skypeThis week, Skype updated its client for Mac and Windows, and if you’re using Skype on a Mac, or iOS or Android, you’ll be able to make use of a new, beta, feature, Video Messaging.  News of the video …

Xbox news from Dive into Media: 76 million devices, ready to release original programming “hopefully within the year”

microsoftdmedia-2013At the Dive Into Media conference produced by the Wall Street Journal’s All Things D this afternoon, Microsoft’s Yusuf Mehdi, Senior Vice President of the Interactive Entertainment Business (IEB), and Nancy Tellem, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft’s LA Studios, took …

On selling out Surface Pro

Microsoft_Surface_ProToday, the Microsoft Surface Pro went on sale for the first time, and depending on what you read, it’s already “sold out”.  The 128GB version is currently “out of stock” at (the 64GB model doesn’t have the same “out …

Spotify arrives for Windows Phone 8

Spotify-LogoEven though when Microsoft introduced Windows Phone 8 and its new app model they said that “your (Windows Phone 7.x) app should just continue to work, without any changes”, that wasn’t apparently quite true, as we speculated back in September

Bing unveils State of the Union interactive experience

bing electionsLast November, Bing unveiled, an interactive experience that attracted almost 32 million people on Election Day, rivaling network news viewership.  Now, expanding on that experience, Microsoft is readying a new interactive experience for President Barack Obama’s State of …

Windows 8: Tami Reller goes on tour

t_rellerA bunch of news sites popped up today posting interviews with Windows Chief Marketing Officer and CFO Tami Reller, one of the two women who took Steven Sinofsky’s place to run Windows at Microsoft.  While Reller didn’t release much in …

Bing Apps for Office: extending Office 365 Premium

Earlier this week, Microsoft released Office 365 Home Premium, a $99/yr subscription service offering an updated Office suite along with extended SkyDrive storage (an extra 20GB, a $10/yr value).  Now today in a blog post on the Bing Search blog, …

Google backs off on pulling Google Sync for Windows Phone

According to a post on The Verge, Google Sync, which Google announced last month would be no longer available for new Windows Phones beginning January 30th (today), is backing off on that pronouncement and has extended EAS (Exchange Active …

Windows Phone 7.8 rollout begins

Today on a blog post over at Nokia Conversations, Nokia has announced that Windows Phone 7.8 is ready for rollout and will be available for all Nokia Windows Phone 7.5 devices.


Windows Phone 7.8 brings Windows Phone 8’s three …

Does Microsoft have a future? (Part 2: Can Xbox save the company?)