What is SkyDrive waiting for?

dropboxToday the headlines are all about Dropbox, and how the fast-rising company turned down an offer from Steve Jobs, who called the file storage and sharing service “a feature, not a product”.  Precisely.

Dropbox has been getting a lot …

Microsoft “It’s great to be a family” spots debut

Microsoft has just posted a couple of its new “It’s great to be a family” ads on YouTube.  The work of ad agency Cripin, Porter + Bogusky, the ads play on the family theme, showing families interacting with the family …

Skype is now officially part of Microsoft

skypeMicrosoft has just officially announced that the deal to acquire Skype for $8.5 billion, first announced on May 10, 2011, has closed.  According to the press release:

Skype CEO Tony Bates will assume the title of president of the

Oh look, Xbox 720 rumors all over the place!

xbox720_logo1_1On a day that saw continued Blackberry problems, the release of iOS, which while for some was quite the joyous occasion, seemingly took forever for others and for some even bricked their iPads or iPhones, and news of …

iPhone and Android developers get more guidance and a tool to port apps to Windows Phone

There already were guides for Android, help for iPhone developers (and Symbian QT) but now there is even more guidance based on migration samples and a SQLLite to SQL Server Compact database conversion tool.

There is a series …

Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” devices – What to expect this holiday season?

Windows Phone 7.5So the Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” OS is out of the door, planned to be made available to 98% of existing Windows Phone devices within the next month. But what about the hardware side? What are the new Windows Phone …

Acer launches low-cost Windows Phone 7.5 device – Acer Allegro

Acer, one of the new Windows Phone OEM partners, announced today that they will be releasing a new Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” device soon – called the Acer Allegro:

Acer W4

According to TelecomPaper.com, the Acer Allegro is due to arrive …

Bing looks to launch (another) Bing Deals offering

bing-logo-horizTechCrunch has spotted what apparently is a new offering from Bing, “Bing Deals”.  This is a separate offering than the Bing Deals aggregation site we wrote about last month.  While they both appear to be called “Bing Deals” (maybe …

Nokia 800: First advertisement images leaked

With Nokia World 2011 getting closer and closer, more details about the much anticipated Nokia Windows Phones are starting to surface. Pocketnow.com today revealed the first images of a print advertisement for the new Nokia 800. Check them out …

Windows Phone President Andy Lee grants interviews: “the stars are really starting to align for us”

Windows Phone President Andy Lees gave interviews to at least three publications this week, talking frankly about Windows Phone sales, calling the iPhone 4S a “missed opportunity” and Android “chaotic”, promising dual core chips and LTE (but not saying when), …