
Yahoo! Messenger for iPhone supports WLM contacts

yhoomsgr If you use the Yahoo! Messenger iPhone app, a new version released yesterday now supports the ability to chat with your Windows Live contacts, according to a  post on the Yahoo! Messenger Blog dated April 4th.

Now when you’re on

Windows Live Hotmail Wave 4 to get Office Web Apps integration

Last time we told you that the final version of Office Web Apps will be released along with Windows Live Wave 4, we always knew that the two will be integrated tightly. Indeed, not only Office Web Apps is

Translator Widget v2

We just updated our Microsoft Translator widget to version 2, complete with the “Collaborative Translations”, which allows you to choose alternate translations and make suggestions.  We purposely choose to use the translator widget, instead of working with the more flexible …

Some new concepts in Windows Live Messenger Wave 4

Many of you probably had the chance to play with the recently leaked M2 build of Windows Live Messenger Wave 4. I’m sure you’ve seen many screenshots of the build around the internet already, so we won’t do that …

Two more Windows Live services to be discontinued in Wave 4: Call and Toolbar

Last year we told you Microsoft will be adding two new Windows Live services to its family: Devices and Docs. Well, although there hasn’t been any official words on this, it appears that Microsoft will also be discontinuing two …

Wave 4 Essentials to require Vista or Windows 7 (no XP) is at it again, this time capturing an info panel purportedly from the Windows Live Wave 4 Essentials Beta download page, revealing that the latest version of Windows Live Essentials will indeed require at least Windows Vista SP2 …

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 8 beta available

A public beta of Microsoft Messenger for Mac version 8 (build # was released a few days ago, after nearly two years between updates.  Looks like there’s still quite a ways to go, judging from the Known Issues in the …

Behind the scenes: Photo sharing on SkyDrive

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of photo sharing on Skydrive? Over on Inside Windows Live, Eric Doerr wrote an interesting post about it. For example did you know that they store four copies …

Hotmail: The New Busy

You may have noticed a number of ads appear recently for Hotmail, with the tagline “The New Busy”.  There’s even a website to promote the campaign, and now today the rapidly changing Windows Live Log-In page is featuring what appears …

Windows Live Wave 4: Mobile Experience to get themes support

Back in January, we gave you an early peek into the new Windows Live Mobile Wave 4, and earlier this month we showed you the new Windows Live Wave 4 themes in the desktop browser. In fact, in the …