
Live Sync: life after Live Mesh

live mesh logoThe thing is, we were as invested in Live Mesh as anybody, probably more so.  We’ve been avid followers since back when it was only us and the hamsters and the gerbils.  In December of 2007 we told you to …

Windows Live Wave 4: Live Writer, A [Critical] Review

There has been much talk, and many screenshots of what to expect from the Wave 4 edition of Live Writer, and also what we’ve actually got, so for regular readers, none of this should come as a shock, although …

Tagline to be removed from Hotmail Messages

image You know those lines of text that gets added when you send messages from Hotmail? They are called taglines.

Brian Hall writes:

When Hotmail first started in the mid-90s, taglines helped people to discover our then revolutionary new

Windows Live Wave 4: Live Writer – A Screenshot Fest

Windows Live Wave 4 is seemingly approaching at a rapid speed, based on the web services already making an appearance, which means soon (who knows when) the Essentials beta will begin and the public will be able to get …

The New Windows Live Sync Beta

Windows Live Sync Logo Over on Inside Windows Live, David Treadwell just posted about the new Live Sync beta. He wrote about how Windows Live Sync beta blends the best of Windows Live Sync and Live Mesh Beta. Yuhuh, the two are …

The OneNote Web App is here!

We told you Office Web Apps went live this week. But what we didn’t write about yet is that yesterday a part of the Office family that was missing got added: OneNote. Yes, that’s right there’s also a OneNote

Localized Hotmail addresses?

Since yesterday you can get a address in the Netherlands. - Is jouw naam nog vrij?
Now we were wondering, are you getting such localized Hotmail addies in your country too? If not, would you like there to be? Let us know in the comments …

New version of ICE available

Earlier today we told you that Photosynth panoramas now show up in the Photosynth Map App on Bing Maps if you geotag them. The program with which you make these panoramas, ICE, just got an update today.

Most of …

LiveSide gets a new logo (just in time for Wave 4!)

Seems like everyone and his sister had big announcements today, and right here in the middle of it all we decided to go ahead and unveil our new logo:


We really want to thank all of you for taking the …

It’s official, Office Web Apps are Live!

We just told you about the Wave 4 web services going live, and now sure enough Jason Moore has posted on Inside Windows Live “officially” announcing the availability of Office Web Apps on SkyDrive in the US, UK, Canada, and …