News – Do you get it?

windowslivelogo.gifSome much needed discussion around, performance, usability, and focus is taking place around the net – started by a post from Rick Strahl he calls " – I don't get it". Ken Levy, Product Planner for Windows Live, picked …

Windows Live Mail – The evolution continues

WLMail new icon.gifFor many users, the change from MSN to Windows Live will be most obvious when they first load their new inbox. The Windows Live user interface is a sharp change from the Hotmail one, a change that actually has been …

LiveSide invades Redmond

WLSoon icon.gifThis coming week (May 1-5) the LiveSide staff will be making the pilgrimage to Microsoft's stronghold, Redmond, WA. Unfortunately Brandon will not be able to take the trip this week because of work obligations. Matthew and Kip will be attending …

Two Seattle suburbs team up

xbox360 logo.pngValve Software of Bellevue, Washington has committed to developing for Microsoft's (Redmond, WA) Xbox 360. I decided to post this here because this is a story of particular interest to me. Valve's critically acclaimed Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Half-Life 2 are …

Microsoft promotes customizing your

WLCusomize new icon.jpgIt is no secret that Microsoft’s “Gadgets” are a central focus of the company, with integration already present in and Windows Vista. The buzz around CES was that there are plans in the works to bring Microsoft …

Ready for a new generation of services

windows live jewel.pngWhen Google introduced the GMail beta two years ago on April 1, many thought it was a sly and considered trick aimed at making Microsoft scramble. Hotmail had 2mb accounts, and that's the way it was for 200 million users, …

Microsoft names new head of MSN/Windows Live

Microsoft announced Friday that Steve Berkowitz, CEO of, will replace David Cole as Senior Vice President in charge of MSN and Windows Live. From a Waggener Edstrom email to Microsoft employees on Friday, via Charlene Li:


Windows Live Mail beta expands: African Safari Giveaway!

WLMail new icon.gifBen Poon announced on the Live Mail beta blog yesterday that Windows Live Mail beta is expanding, from 300,000 to 3 million. As an incentive to try it out, Windows Live Mail is giving away a Safari trip to Africa

Windows Live @ edu enjoying college life

WLDomains icon.gifReuters has a very interesting article on how the University of Texas-Pan American is adopting the Windows Live @ edu program to take on the college's 17,000 email accounts. Windows Live @ edu uses the Windows Live Custom Domains system …

Google plays catchup with Windows Live Search

WLSearch new icon.gifProBlogger just alerted me to a new Google search feature that they are apparently going to start testing in their results page: "Search this site." Unsurprisingly nobody has mentioned that Windows Live Search has already implemented this, and it works …