
Live Agents Platform Retires Support For Bots, Tbot Gets Own Run Time Environment

Tbot, the translation buddy for Windows Live Messenger has to go through some remaking as the Live Agents Platform is retiring support for the bots. As TBot is based on the same platform, the team is developing their own …

Microsoft to discontinue DAV email protocol September 1st

In a blog post on Windows Live Wire, Microsoft has announced that it will discontinue the DAV protocol for accessing Hotmail on September 1, 2009.  DAV (or WebDAV) is an older protocol, not suited to large inboxes, and …

China blocks,,, Twitter, Flickr

Receiving word from multiple sources, including some of our friends in China, that a number of websites in China are blocked, including, Microsoft’s newly rebranded “decision engine”.,, and our friends at have reports on …

Bing Travel, Bing Community, and your Windows Live ID – why are they separate?

Bing! The much-hyped search engine Bing was debuted today worldwide and as a Windows Live (and anything Live or used to be Live-related) enthusiast, I’ve went and tested how well the search engine, I meant, decision engine works. We’ve heard …

Bing Search Bars are now everywhere!

Today when you visit any of the Windows Live Wave 3 properties (with the exception of Family Safety and Agents), you’d have noticed the search bar on the top have been replaced with a new orange magnifying glass icon …

Oh dear, there IS a Club Bing

ClubBing Well the rebrand is thorough, we’ll say that.  Live Search Club has been renamed to Club Bing, with the highly unfortunate url of (just please no baby seal games, mmmkay?).  The “club”, basically a blatant attempt to drive up …

Surprises abound at Microsoft’s E3 Press Briefing

Microsoft started E3 on a high note yesterday, showcasing a myriad of new products, ranging from expansions of popular franchise titles (including Forza Motorsport 3, Halo 3: ODST, and Crackdown 2) to the reveal of Big Park’s latest title, a …

Zune HD to include Xbox Live games?

zunehdamazon Yesterday’s Microsoft Press Conference at E3 included a lot of news on Xbox, including some news about Zune video streaming, but did just make a little announcement of their own?  In a listing for the upcoming Zune HD, …

Join The Bing Webcast At June 1st @ 10am PT

bingLogo_lgIf you want to watch instead of read about Bing, then join the Bing Webcast at June 1st.

Here’s how to join in:

1) Set your alarm clocks for 10AM Pacific Daylight Time, Monday, June 1


Why Windows Live Messenger Is Shut Off For Users In Countries Embargoed By The US

Last week we told you about Microsoft Shutting Off Windows Live Messenger IM For Users In Countries Embargoed By The US (Error 810003c1). We can tell you a little bit more about the “why” today.

Let’s take a look …