
PDC 2009: Day 2 announcements

Now the liveblogging is over, let’s take a look at what was announced today.


image A whole lot was said about Microsoft Silverlight, going through some features of Silverlight 3 but most of all of Silverlight 4! Yes, today …

Live blog day 2

Here we go!  Live blog day 2!…

PDC Day One, working the halls

Thanks to Sunshine for recapping the PDC day one keynotes, our second day of keynotes, and liveblogging, is set to begin in a few hours.  At this PDC, to be sure, there’s not a lot of Windows Live news, or …

PDC 2009: Recap Day 1, what’s on the menu for Day 2?

The transcript of yesterdays keynote, with Ray Ozzie & Bob Muglia, has been posted online. Let’s take a look at some interesting tidbits:

Today, we’re going to focus primarily on the back-end: servers, tools and cloud computing.

So what …

New from Live Labs: Pivot

pivotlogo I got called a namedropper on Twitter today for my earlier Day 1 post, but really we think of our readers as being the reason we’re here, and it’s because of you that we’re able to get to do this …

PDC Liveblog Day One

We’re here in sunny Los Angeles ( 76 degrees and sunny 🙂  ) again, liveblogging the PDC keynotes today and tomorrow.  You can watch the keynote live at, and follow along with our motley crew of bloggers and …

Windows Marketplace now supports Windows Mobile 6.0 and 6.1

It hasn’t even been a week since we noticed in a post that Windows Marketplace would support Windows Mobile 6.0 and 6.1 later this month! Well, later this month has come. Starting today almost all people with phones running …

Zune coming to non-US markets

bglogowhite A story in the Financial Times today is reporting that Zune services will soon be expanding into a number of new markets:

The Zune-branded service – which includes the most popular films from MGM, Paramount and Universal – will be

On the road next week to PDC, catch the keynote Liveblog here!

We’re honored again to be able to bring you a group effort liveblog of the keynotes at PDC, coming up next Tuesday and Wednesday.  The same gang is back again this year: Long Zheng from, Mary Jo Foley …

New Features In Windows Marketplace For Mobile, Support For Windows Mobile 6.0 And 6.1 Later This Month

Windows Marketplace for Mobile, launched in October together with the launch of Windows phones, got some upgrades:

Developer portal improvements and stronger anti-piracy protection

We’ve been gathering input on what we can do to improve the developer experience