Author Archive

Windows Phone–will it (ever) fly?

S051846Last week we noticed a number of Twitter links to a blog post decrying Windows Phone.  Entitled “6 Reasons Windows Phone 7 is Dead in the Water”, I4U News listed their top reasons why we should “abandon ship …

Bing to say “ciao” to Ciao?

Back in August of 2008, Microsoft, in preparation for the launch of Bing, bought Greenfield Online, Inc., owners of Ciao GmbH, for some $486 million.  Now word is coming out that Microsoft has put Ciao up for sale, at …

Bing Rewards (US only), now on your browser

Bing released the Bing Bar in February, a quite useful tool featuring Translate, stocks, news, weather, and yes, Bing Rewards.  The problem of course is that the Bing Bar is an IE only affair, and so if you’re in …

Bing announces Read/Write World: expanding connections between maps and imagery

rww-bingBing has been making a steady stream of announcements regarding the connection of maps to images for quite some time now, from geo-located PhotoSynths to Streetside and StreetSlide imagery to live video in maps, the work that Blaise Aguera …

Yahoo and Microsoft: is the honeymoon over?

Yahoo_Logo_3This week a couple of news items seem to suggest that Microsoft and Yahoo, while still closely linked via their Search agreement, are beginning to air their differences.  As both partners and competitors, this is probably to be expected, but …

Windows Phone (post Walshie) gets a “Samsung update”

A couple of weeks ago, after Microsoft released a “Windows Phone Support Tool”, complete with wide open dlls that allowed ChevronWP7 “homebrew” hacker Chris Walsh to create his own little NoDo updater tool, we crossed our fingers and updated our …

Can Windows Phone turn a post-NoDo corner?

It hasn’t been the best of launches for Windows Phone.  Starting off late last year with short supplies at launch both in the US and in Europe, a late start for the Dell Venue Pro, and then a string of …

New from Bing Mobile: PhotoSynth for the iPhone

More from the Bing/iPhone camp, the latest news comes via a tweet that there’s a new PhotoSynth app now available for the iPhone.

The app allows you to capture images, create PhotoSynths, and share them to, …

IE9 for Mobile: different devices, same browser under the hood

12166Today at Mix, Microsoft made a case for Windows Phone that was a step up from vague promises about delayed updates, side loading hacks, and low sales numbers.  After starting his part of the keynote with an apology and an …

MIX 2011 Liveblog Day 2: Windows Phone

Here we go again, get ready for day 2 of the Mix keynote liveblog!: