Author Archive

SkyDrive apps for iPhone (now) and Windows Phone (soon) released

ms-SkyDrive_h_rgbMicrosoft announced new SkyDrive apps for both Windows Phone and iPhone this morning in a blog post on Inside Windows Live.  We pointed out a hint of just such an app on the way last week via a comment by …

Windows Phone management shakeup at the top: Lees out, Meyerson moves up

Ina Fried at All Things D is reporting that Windows Phone President Andy Lees is moving to a new position in the company, to work directly for Steve Ballmer on new opportunities for Windows Phone and Windows 8, according to …

Lync now available in the Windows Phone Marketplace

contoso lyncIf you’re in an enterprise that uses the Lync  integrated audio, video, and web conferencing system , or if you use Office 365, you can now download and install the Lync mobile client for Windows Phone.  Lync has been known …

Handyscan for Windows Phone, the first SkyDrive API app

Our friends at noticed a tweet by Omar Shahine, the Group Program Manager from SkyDrive, pointing out that the first third party app to make use of SkyDrive’s new APIs is now available:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/OmarShahine/status/145346494860492801″]

Handyscan turns out …

More info (and some speculation) on the “Microsoft Live” rebranding

What if you rebranded your services and nobody knew?  Isn’t the point of a brand to, you know, get people focused on your products?  Kind of hard to do that when we don’t even know what the brand is, and …

(Another) New Bing UI spotted: have you seen it?

Looks like the folks at Bing are back at it again, testing new versions of the UI, while not saying much about them or how (or even when) the changes will roll out more broadly.

This latest look seems to …

So what IS the deal with the Windows Live Messenger “Microsoft Live” Facebook app?

Sometime in the past few weeks, Microsoft apparently changed the name of the Facebook app for Windows Live Messenger.  The app, used to connect Messenger and Facebook chat so you can chat with your Facebook friends from the Windows Live …

Oh right, there’s an Xbox for iOS app, too

Shortly after we posted on the release of the Xbox Companion app for Windows Phone (and had to be away from the keyboard for a time), Microsoft announced a, umm, companion app to Xbox Companion, this one running on iPhone …

Updated Live Connect API announced

An Inside Windows Live blog post today announces that a new version of the Live Connect set of APIs for connecting applications to SkyDrive as well as contacts and calendar is now available, along with a new version of the …

Xbox Companion available: can Xbox drive Windows Phone sales?

xbox companion iconAfter a few fits and starts, which probably wouldn’t have even been noticeable if it weren’t for a Major Nelson tweet promising a rollout schedule that Microsoft missed by only a few hours, the Xbox dashboard update should have …