Author Archive

Microsoft: How not to do an update?

Yesterday Microsoft released an update to Windows Live Essentials, notable in that we haven’t seen a significant update to the software suite in over a year.  Although the update was announced on the Windows Experience blog (and remember: Windows Live …

A flurry of Nokia 900 “news”, and then a bit of news, too

Earlier today, WPCentral reported on what they thought was a Facebook direct message exchange between one Aamer Khan and Windows Phone VP Joe Belfiore, noting that “problems” with the 900 was delaying the launch until sometime in April.  We were

A sneak peek at Office 15, (and some questions about Windows Live Writer)

This morning Paul Thurrott posted an extensive Office 15 “Preview”, after he was able to “get his hands on a copy” of the Office 15 Technical Preview, which was released a few weeks ago to a select group of Microsoft …

Bing Metro-fies pushpins, transit info

In a continuation of the metrofication of Microsoft and the unification of Bing Maps and Nokia Maps, a blog post on the Bing Search blog announced today some new changes to the way that pushpins, popups, and transit info appear

Photosynth app for iPhone updated

photosynth itunesSince its release last spring, the Bing Photosynth app for iOS has been downloaded by over 6 million people, allowing users to create and share Photosynths via Bing Maps, Twitter, or Facebook.  Today, a post on the Bing Search blog

Windows Phone 8 “Apollo” coming to 1st or 2nd Gen devices?

cebitOne big question upcoming with the expected holiday season release of Windows Phone 8, code named “Apollo”, is whether or not current devices, either “1st generation” (that is, those devices that shipped at or near the initial launch of Windows …

Bing Explore gets a new look?

Yesterday we stumbled upon what appears to be a new look for the Explore pages on, combining a new set of icons with a possibly more metro-ish look, and a new set of pages devoted to explaining Bing’s …

Google updates Windows Phone 7.5 Search app

google app logoPerhaps lost in the hubbub of today’s iPad announcements, Google today updated its search app for Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango).  The app, available from the Windows Marketplace, is completely redesigned, according to Google’s Inside Search blog.  Included in the …

Build Bing Maps into your Windows 8 Metro style app with new SDK

kiev_c_RGBNow that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview is out, developers are going to want to begin (if they haven’t already) to create new Metro style apps.  Just in time to make that process easier, Bing today released a new SDK …

Are you a Windows 8 fan?

windows 8 beta fishIt’s been almost a week since the download links for the Windows 8 Consumer Preview have gone live, and if you were one of the million or so previewers to get the bits, you’ve had some time to install and …