January, 2012

Good news for Nokia and Windows Phone in the new year: will they sell 80 million phones in 2012?

nokia-logoThe beginning of a new year is always a hopeful time, and two reports coming out this week are buoying the hopes (and the stock prices) of Nokia and Microsoft.  First up, a report from Reuters that a Nokia handset …

Windows Phone update coming: can Microsoft leverage the 0.6%?

freepizzaOn the heels of news that Microsoft, Nokia, and the other hardware partners are ready to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising, promotion, and payola, Windows Phone is getting ready to roll out another update, this …

Filling in our 2012 Microsoft calendar

screenshot_startScreen_webHope you had an enjoyable holiday season, as we did, and are ready to launch into what may be Microsoft’s most pivotal, and by far its riskiest year.  So much is at stake, and everything is hinging on the launch …