Bing, Messenger among top ten Facebook apps by monthly active users

Inside Facebook is reporting today that although games have traditionally held the top spots on Facebook in terms of monthly active users, a new class of applications, those integrating Facebook and large tech and/or media companies, such as Bing and …

Big News: Microsoft utters the words “Media Center” (updated)

media-center-whiteAs usual, the buildup to Build, and what will be revealed about Windows 8 and its surrounding ecosystem, is much more about what Microsoft is NOT saying than what it has.  After the Windows 8 demo at this summer’s D8

HTC announces 2 new Window Phones: “Titan” and “Radar”

HTC announced two new Windows Phone devices today, the aptly named Titan, and the Radar.  Notable in the two phones is the inclusion of front facing cameras, although with no immediate applications to take advantage of them to start (aside …

As SkyDrive gears up, is Google’s “GDrive” making a comeback?

skydrive-adMicrosoft is in the process of finally actually doing something useful with SkyDrive, after years of supporting a promising yet crippled product.  Perhaps driven by the success of Dropbox (and its supposed $4 billion valuation), and also the obvious usefulness …

Image Leak: Nokia “Sea Ray” to be branded Nokia 703?

This one just came in from WMPU, who just posted a leaked image of a carrier presentation flyer showing a device said to be named Nokia 703. Take a look at the image below:

Nokia 703

This device looks just …

Windows Live SkyDrive Wave 5 to get devices integration soon

SkyDriveThe Windows Live team only recently updated SkyDrive to Wave 5 with a full UI revamp, new features, and performance improvements, and it seems like they’re only just getting started with a series of updates to come. Just last week …

As the Smartphone Turns: players jockey for positions around the Elephants In the Room

Astheworldturns1987As we enter the Mango era, possibly the first make or break test of Microsoft’s latest foray into the smartphone market, things couldn’t be set up better for a challenger to make a move into the space.  Microsoft, while it …

SkyDrive client app coming for Windows, iOS, Mac, and Android too?

SkyDriveA few days ago we just told you about a potential official SkyDrive app might be coming for Windows Phone, and today we’ve received tips pointing to possible SkyDrive client apps being developed for other platforms too. LiveSide reader Nikhil

HTC Omega to come with front facing camera, coming September 1?

Following the recent leak on HTC Eternity – rumored to be sporting a front facing camera and a large 4.7” screen, details about another lower-end HTC Windows Phone 7.5 device had surfaced today. The new device is said to be …

Are you a Bing “Advocate”?

Clicking through the Bing Rewards button on the Bing home page today yielded and interesting discovery, a new Bing Advocacy Program:

bing advocacy

Open to US residents 13 or over, the program is looking for charter members in a new community …