Windows Live Spaces Audio Tour Part One: Social Networking

Spaces icon.gifMoz Hussain, Group Program Manager for Spaces, and Jay Fluegel, Lead PM, Spaces, invited me to come to Redmond last Friday and get a little preview of a couple of the new aspects of Spaces; Social Networking and …

By Kip Kniskern in Interviews
July 30th, 2006 at 9:49 am

Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta Direct Sign-up and Download

maildesktop.pngFollowing my post last week about Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta, I would just like to remind you all that Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta is available for public download by doing the following, this of course requires no invitation:…

By Darren Straight in News
July 28th, 2006 at 11:07 pm

Windows Live Spaces is In the News

Spaces icon.gifWell I said that Windows Live Spaces would go live "any day now", and today Paul Thurrott says middle of August (what, two weeks away??), but wait, this guy, a Spaces dev, no less, says next week!

Anyway whenever …

By Kip Kniskern in News
July 28th, 2006 at 10:24 am

Windows Live Local Comes to Australia with Aerial Imagery

WLLocal new icon.gifNot long ago I made a post on my own blog about Windows Live Local Coming to Australia after seeing this post on a Windows Live Local Australia Blog announcing it, unfortunately though Windows Live Local imagery support for Australia …

By Harrison Hoffman in News
July 26th, 2006 at 9:12 pm

Updating today’s posts on Gallery and Toolbar

A couple of bits on the news of the day:

First, on10 posts a video on the Windows Live Gallery, with Chris Butler showing off the new site to Tina Wood.

And then Dennis Cheung, a Program Manager for …

By Kip Kniskern in News
July 26th, 2006 at 10:20 am

Windows Live Spaces: My Mobile Photos

msftguy gives us a hint of what's coming in Windows Live Spaces/Windows Mobile integration. Coming soon (we hope!!)…

By Kip Kniskern in News
July 26th, 2006 at 9:44 am

Windows Live Mail m7 is Live

WLMail new icon.gifJust fired up my Windows Live Mail (bay 107) to find (after a little delay in loading, admittedly), that m7 is Live. You can check out the new features below in our announcement and audio tour.…

By Kip Kniskern in News
July 25th, 2006 at 10:12 pm

Windows Live Gallery Beta launches today

WLCusomize new icon.jpgFollowing Harrison's post in April about The Windows Live Galley Site, Daniel Fleshbourne is reporting on Neowin that The Windows Live Gallery Beta Site will be launching today at

This new site is intended to be a one-stop shop …

By Darren Straight in News
July 24th, 2006 at 2:50 pm

Looking at the numbers

While we wait for Windows Live Spaces (dare I say it, any day now?), there's time to take a look at some interesting numbers that have surfaced this week. First, of course, comes Microsoft's 4th Qtr Earnings report. …

By Kip Kniskern in News
July 24th, 2006 at 9:27 am

Windows Live Toolbar released out of beta!

WLToolbar new icon.gifI'm not sure how many of you use the Windows Live Toolbar, but for those of you that do you might like to know that the Windows Live Toolbar is now out of Beta and can be downloaded here or …

By Darren Straight in News
July 24th, 2006 at 2:27 am