Windows Live Messenger 8.1 beta refresh coming soon

Things have been pretty quiet on the Messenger front lately.  We have not seen a new build released since the end of October when it went into public beta.  That means that it’s time for some shiny new Messenger …

By Harrison Hoffman in News
December 12th, 2006 at 8:02 am

NY Times: Will Berkowitz keep Windows Live?

Still no sign of Ray Ozzie, but Online Services Group Senior Vice President Steve Berkowitz has been popping up all over the place lately, and the bottom line seems to be a return to supporting MSN at the expense …

By Kip Kniskern in News
December 10th, 2006 at 12:42 pm

OneCare Family Safety beta update

An update to the Windows Live OneCare Family Safety website ( has taken place this weekend, with the layout changing to the familiar Orb + Flair seen on the many other Windows Live sites. According to an email sent to …

By Chris in News
December 10th, 2006 at 5:45 am

Custom Domains SDK Updated

A new version of the Custom Domains SDK is up at downloads, version 1.2.  Here’s the overview:

The Windows Live Custom Domains SDK is intended for customers and partners who want to programmatically accomplish many of the administration tasks

By Kip Kniskern in News
December 10th, 2006 at 3:41 am

Vista Countdown For Windows Live Messenger

Donavon wrote a gadget for, Spaces, and the Vista sidebar that counts down to when Vista officially ships to the general public. So I thought I would continue this using the Messenger Add-In APIs and write the same thing …

By kip in Developer
December 9th, 2006 at 10:14 pm

Windows Live Custom Domains gets update

Windows Live Custom Domains has just been updated, adding in several new features. From the team blog:

  • All top level domains (TLDs) are now supported
  • You can now register subdomains along with domains, or domains and subdomains on their own, however you
By Chris in News
December 8th, 2006 at 8:51 am

How to improve your search engine’s popularity

a) Make results more relevant
b) Make it faster
c) Get a pornstar to advertise it in a flash movie
d) All of the above

Windows Live Search went for d with Ms Dewey. Another successful day at the office for …

By Chris in News
December 8th, 2006 at 7:46 am

New Web Gadget SDK version 0.7

While no formal announcement was made, Microsoft quietly slipped out a new version 0.7 of the Web Gadget SDK last week. In fact the “It’s time to Build” page on the recently crippled still shows version 0.5 (beta).…

By Donavon in Developer
December 8th, 2006 at 4:08 am

MSN Soapbox: Messenger and Mobile integration coming soon

NewTeeVee, a new site for GigaOM run by Om Malik, posts a review of MSN Soapbox that offers some insights into where the beta service is heading.

First, according to the piece, Soapbox is slated to come out of …

By Kip Kniskern in News
December 6th, 2006 at 2:45 pm

Windows Live Books launches, Academic Search update

Today sees the launch of Windows Live Book Search, a service we first posted about back in May along with the launch of its sister site Windows Live Publishing Portal. Designed to provide access to books indexed by …

By Chris in News
December 6th, 2006 at 1:01 pm