Windows Live Video Messages – new tech preview coming soon (sidebar gadget available for download now)

You kill one service, and another one springs up to take its place. The Windows Live Support and Feedback sites helpfully spilled the beans on Windows Live Video Messages, a new beta service that ties in with the LifeCam …

By Chris in News
August 19th, 2008 at 3:48 am

Windows Live Messenger Library v2.0 API released

A couple of weeks ago the windows live team released the next iteration of the Windows Live Messenger Library API.
Having listened to user comments, one of the biggest requests was the ability to return user pictures so that your …

By Hackersoft in Developer
August 19th, 2008 at 3:13 am

Live Mesh Expands

Amit Mital posts on the Live Mesh blog that the CTP has now been expanded to include Canada, India and Ireland. One thing Amit does point out though is:

We do still have a maximum limit on the number

By kip in News
August 18th, 2008 at 1:15 am

Live Search – Olympics coverage good but shows Microsoft still isn’t a global search engine

There has been several debates raging today about the Olympics coverage from various media outlets thus far, and in particular regarding NBC in the US, who Microsoft have partnered with (see NBC doesn’t feature Bolt, has Silverlight take-up really

By Kip Kniskern in Opinion
August 17th, 2008 at 2:08 am

Microsoft looks to kill off WL Favourites – Skydrive becomes storage central

Its true, nobody is perfect. In fact during the May 22nd update to Skydrive, we missed the addition of Favourites support to Windows Live Skydrive (hey pp2 missed it until recently too!). Interestingly enough the team blog post didn’t …

By Harrison Hoffman in Featured News
August 14th, 2008 at 8:31 am

Steven Sinofsky starts blogging on Windows 7

Just thought I’d do a little promotion for one of our old friends, Steven Sinofsky, who is now blogging with John DeVaan over at Engineering Windows 7 (or e7 for short). There’s a welcome post up already, which leaves you …

By Kip Kniskern in Opinion
August 14th, 2008 at 5:42 am

The Potential Of Live Mesh Is Limitless…But What Are The Limits Today?

The potential is limitless, but just how many folders and files can you put in Live Mesh today? What’s the maximum file size and how many people can you invite into a folder? Is there a limit to the number …

By Sunshine in News
August 14th, 2008 at 12:12 am

Office Live Workspace Update 1.2 available: includes Firefox support

A new update for Office Live Workspace appeared on the Microsoft Download Center today (thanks Alex for the tip!).  The update, version 1.2, published 8/12/2008, includes:

(1) performance updates to make using Office Live Workspace with Microsoft Office programs

By Kip Kniskern in News
August 13th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Google Maps: We’re not evil, just not very good

Apparently there’s been a bit of a stir around what Google Maps did/didn’t do to their maps of the country of Georgia.  In a blog post today, Google says they haven’t done anything to their maps in relation to …

By Kip Kniskern in News
August 13th, 2008 at 3:32 am

Virtual Earth-Based Loss Estimation Tool

What would happen if there was an Earthquake? How many buildings and bridges will be damaged and how many casualties to expect? All this can be estimated a bit easier now with InLET, a web based GIS application which …

By Sunshine in News
August 12th, 2008 at 7:43 pm