Bing Travel Wish List Facebook App

Whether you want to share your dream travel destinations, just get some friends advice or get to know more information about your (dream) travel destination: Bing has the Facebook app for you, Bing Travel Wish List!

Bing Travel Wish

By Sunshine in Bing
May 4th, 2011 at 2:09 am

Windows Phone security update rolls out (on time!)

As promised, Microsoft is rolling out a security update to Windows Phones today, to update security certificates after Comodo inadvertently signed 9 certificates without properly validating the 3rd party’s identity.  Numerous sites reported that the patch would be pushed out …

By Kip Kniskern in Mobile
May 3rd, 2011 at 2:56 pm

Bing default Search on Blackberry

Microsoft today joined with Research in Motion (RIM) in announcing a new alliance between Microsoft and RIM. Steve Ballmer did the announcement on stage at RIM’s annual Blackberry World.

Central to this collaboration, Blackberry devices will use Bing as the

By Sunshine in Bing
May 3rd, 2011 at 7:56 am

How to port iPhone Apps to Windows Phone 7

We all know Microsoft has been releasing iPhone apps but how can you port your iPhone app to Windows Phone 7? Well, with a little help from Microsoft.

They have put together a great package to help you get …

By Sunshine in Mobile
May 3rd, 2011 at 5:32 am

Coming soon to Australia: new look for NineMSN, Bing to drop beta tag?

ninemsnA report in The Australian’s business section is reporting that NineMSN, the joint effort by MSN and Australia’s Nine Network, will soon be sporting a new look.  The cleaner look, much like in the US, will allow …

By Kip Kniskern in Bing
May 2nd, 2011 at 10:58 am

Take the Microsoft Tour

Curious about what the Microsoft Offices/buildings at Redmond look like on the inside? I sure am!  So is Steve Clayton (Msft), and guess what? He is going to share it for the world to see:

There are some stunning buildings

By Sunshine in News
May 2nd, 2011 at 8:43 am

New Zune Support pages

A bit of news coming out of the Zune Insider podcast this week: Zune Support pages have been revamped, with a new landing page, easily navigated support categories (Zune software, Zune on Windows Phone 7, Zune on Xbox Live, etc.), …

By Kip Kniskern in News
April 30th, 2011 at 8:24 am

Will Nokia phones use Metro?

metro-uiA few details are starting to filter out about how Nokia actually plans to utilize the Windows Phone operating system in its phones, beginning as early as this year and expected to ramp up significantly in 2012.

We know that …

By Kip Kniskern in Mobile
April 29th, 2011 at 11:47 am

Bing Shopping streamlined

Bing Shopping is sporting a new look today, according to a post on the Bing Search blog.  The new look features bigger images, Facebook integration (so you can get birthday reminders from within Bing Shopping!), and a new home …

By Kip Kniskern in Bing
April 28th, 2011 at 10:24 am

Bing Maps: the Global Ortho Project

bing-map-logoWhile Bing, or Bing Maps for that matter, don’t have the market share that Google or Google Maps have, Microsoft has been working hard to not only catch up but surpass its competitors in creating high quality photographic maps.

Today, …

By Kip Kniskern in Bing
April 27th, 2011 at 10:08 pm