
Expo Beta to launch next week

WLExpo icon.gifYes along with beta refreshes from the Messenger and Mail teams, this week will also see the opening of Windows Live Expo to a much wider audience. Up until now, the beta has been limited to Microsoft employees and …

Windows Live Mail Update to M5 Expected

WLMail icon.gifWindows Live Mail (the Kahuna beta) is expected to update to a new milestone, M5, this week, LiveSide has learned. Included in the new version, along with some performance improvements, are a new First-run experience for new users, a Contact …

The LiveSide Manifesto

As we batten down the hatches in preparation for what is shaping up to be a banner week, we thought we would take the time to publish some guidelines we follow here at LiveSide. Why? Well first of all we …

A Public Service Announcement from icon.gifThe team has thrown up a post on their blog to address the issues that has been having recently. The problem mainly revolved around various modules not rendering correctly.

The team has released an update which they believe …

WL Search cat crawls out of bag

windowslivelogo.gifWell when there's not much news to report, you dig around in the blogs. While we're waiting for new releases (WLMessenger, Mail,, etc – Windows Live March Madness?), A Japanese blogger has posted a screenshot and a link to …

Windows Live Mail “M5” and Messenger refresh – all coming soon

WLSoon icon.gifAlong with the new Vista CTP many Microsoft testers are expecting today, there are several Windows Live programs that will be undergoing refreshes within the next week or so.

As I posted after the first Windows Live Session at the …

Custom Domains owners get bombarded with Live Mail invitations

WLDomains icon.gifAs of today, all Windows Live Domains, users have recieved 40 invitations to the Windows Live Mail beta to distribute amongst those who they deem worthy. So, if you're one of those who has not had the priviledge of trying …

Expo expands to include Expedia

WLExpo icon.gifNo official announcement on this yet, but it seems as though the expansion of Expo is continuing, this time with Expedia employees getting access to the new Windows Live classifieds service. After the recent removal of Boeing, WaMu and Safeco

Windows Live Family Safety Settings Beta Expands

Windows Live Family Safety logo.jpgToday, Microsoft rolled out more invitations to test its new product, Windows Live Family Safety Settings. Windows Live Family Safety Settings lets concerned parents filter their children's content. This content is divided up into the following categories:

 – Alcohol…

David Cole, Senior VP MSN & Personal Services Group, leaves the company

David Cole, who has been with Microsoft for nearly 20 years, and the MSN division for the last 6, announced to employees Friday that he will be taking a 1 year sabbatical in April. In the e-mail, Cole says …