
New version of Live Search Maps today, NY Times reveals

The New York Times is breaking the news that a new feature for Live Search Maps, called Clearflow, will be announced later today, and the Virtual Earth / Live Maps blog has confirmation.  According to the Times:

The Clearflow system

Virtual Bird’s Eye

Chris Pendleton let’s us know about a new site for Virtual Earth’s Bird Eye. Virtual Bird’s Eye – A virtual bird’s eye view of the world – Mapping the News, Interesting Places, Current Events and Unique Attractions.

Virtual Bird’s

Windows Live OneCare for Server private beta started

Paul Thurrott got word from Microsoft that Windows Live OneCare for Server has gone into private beta:

Last month, Microsoft highlighted its Small Business Server 2008 and Windows Live OneCare for Server, upcoming solutions aimed at providing increased security

Windows Live Writer update available

There’s an update available for Windows Live Writer. This update, KB 951125, fixes the following 4 problems:

An error occurs when you publish a post that contains images to Blogger:
Because of a change in the Picasa image-hosting

Red Dog: Ray Ozzie’s answer to the Google App Engine?

051504CliffordBigRedDog (Note: while we’ve been serving up a number of potential new Windows Live logos recently, this isn’t one of them.  I just happen to like Clifford the Big Red Dog)

Much has been made recently about last night’s …

A new logo for Windows Live Groups?

A few days ago we found the logo for Live Mesh, today our friends over at LiveSino found a new logo for the long-delayed Windows Live Groups. Here’s what it looks like:


It seems like Microsoft has changed the …

Microsoft and Yahoo! sites compared: a quick look at the numbers

With all the talk about Microsoft’s attempted acquisition of Yahoo!, and with a little help from Nielsen Online, we thought we’d make a quick comparison of some of the main features of both services.  I asked Nielsen if they …

Windows Live for Windows Mobile (G2) now available from Microsoft

Jason Landridge posted today that a link is available for the first time from Microsoft if you want to install Windows Live for Windows Mobile (known also as “G2”),  on your Windows Mobile 6 device.

Up until now, it depended …

Yahoo! responds to Ballmer, believes offer is too low

In response to a letter to the Yahoo! Board of Directors on Saturday, Jerry Yang and the Board responded this morning with a letter of their own, again rejecting the Microsoft offer as too low, although stating publicly for …

Microsoft to demo Mesh at Web 2.0 Expo

Mary-Jo Foley spotted that Microsoft are set to give a Live Mesh demo presentation during the O’Reilly Web 2.0 Expo conference at the end of April. Running from April 22nd-24th, Amit Mital the “General Manager of Live Mesh” is leading …