
Live Spaces Vision – get blog updates in (near) real-time

So many blogs, so little time. There are over 112 million blogs on the Internet! How do you keep up? You can take Live Spaces Vision for a spin! Yea really, a spin! Beware not to get dizzy while this …

Personalized page moved to

Your personalized page has moved from, which is now Live Search Home page, to


You can still reach your personalized page from, just click Personalized page at bottom right.


The team wrote the following on

MSN China: “prayers and blessings” to earthquake victims

rainbowOur thoughts and prayers go out to victims of the recent earthquake in China, and MSN China is helping to remember those who suffered through the earthquake by remembering them with a Rainbow symbol in front of your nick:


Live Search for Windows Mobile gets update

Live Search for Windows Mobile has just received an update, bringing out the features announced at CTIA last month. While it provides the standard mapping and local search that we’ve come to expect, it now adds the following:


Moonlight (Silverlight for Linux) is available now

moonlight icon In another “not quite Windows Live but still cool” post, Moonlight, an open source implementation of Microsoft Silverlight for Unix systems, is now available in both Silverlight v1.o and 2.0 builds.  Silverlight, while it still has a long way …

World Wide Telescope from MS Research is Live

While this isn’t strictly a Windows Live service, it is still very cool stuff and we told you about it when it was first announced, and now the World Wide Telescope is live and available for download.


Check it out …

Windows Live Hotmail, Messenger coming to RIM Blackberry this summer

At the Wireless Enterprise Symposium in Orlando, Florida today, Microsoft and Research in Motion (RIM) are announcing an agreement to provide, Windows Live services, including Hotmail and Messenger, on Blackberrys.  The enhancements will be available “this summer”.

From the press

First of Many New Live Developer Articles

Hello fellow LiveSide readers, my name is John O’Brien. Its my second season as a Windows Live Developer/Platform MVP and I’m pleased to announce many new developer related articles in the works for your reading pleasure here at LiveSide. Today …

WL Msgr blocking: “Oops, all better now”

In the past few days a number of reports came in that Windows Live Messenger was blocking the ability to send legitimate urls through Messenger, including most noticeably  While there was some sinister speculation as to the …

Live Mesh Guys love to blog!

At Web 2.0 Expo, I was impressed by how open and talkative the Live Mesh guys were – of course that could have been because they’ve been locked away unable to talk for two years.  Well now they just won’t …