
Looking at the Live Mesh peer-to-peer synch

Channel9 posted an interesting video looking behind the scenes at the Live Mesh peer-to-peer synch. Its 30mins long but if you’ve got the time to kill its worth watching. Some of the topics covered (in order) are:

  • The 5GB quota

Microsoft demos Photos + Virtual Earth imagery mashup at Pro Photo Summit

Yet another Microsoft conference, yet more demos of unreleased technology. Today and tomorrows events is the Pro Photo Summit, which Kip, Brandon Le Blanc, Scoble and others are attending.

Scoble was streaming some of the footage from his …

“The website is down” – edition

First, of course, our apologies for another 18 hour outage.  Almost exactly two weeks ago, a problem at our web host involving a shared power supply to our server …

New Video Series, Behind The Maps – The Technology Of Virtual Earth

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of Virtual Earth? Curious what cameras are used and what happens after the pictures are taken? How do they end up on Live Maps? Wonder no more, Mark Brown started …

Imagine Cup winners announced, Team SOAK takes home the gold!

Today marks the end of the 2008 Imagine Cup.  The winners were just announced at an awards ceremony at the famous Musée du Louvre in Paris.  I am happy to report that Team SOAK, which includes our good …

MSN Toolbar goes global – well, almost

The new MSN Toolbar which uses Silverlight (works with Silverlight 1.0 and Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2) that was released to the US market about a month ago  is going global. You can now download localized versions of the toolbar for …

Get 33gb of cloud storage for free with Windows Live

Our friend Picturepan2, who runs (which does a LOT more than just translate our posts into Chinese), got to adding up all the storage you get with Windows Live, inspired by a post by another LiveSide member, Jamie

MSN customised page gets beta update

We haven’t mentioned MSN for a while, mainly due to all the Microsoft-Yahoo talk that’s been going on. However a few days ago the My MSN customised homepage launched a new beta version, available at

So what’s new? …

Imagine Cup 08: Good luck to all!

IC08_Logo_reversed This year’s Imagine Cup, a Microsoft sponsored student competition featuring student teams from around the world, is kicking off its finals in Paris, France.  Of course we’re rooting for our friend (and arch-rival) Long Zheng and his SOAK team …

Live Search Maps Improves Internationally

More news on Live Search and Virtual EarthLive Search Maps China has expanded and improved it’s site with:

  • Real-time Traffic in Beijing
  • Send-to-Mobile for free for local search and transit routing result
  • Transit data refresh for existing 11