
Wave 3 urls start resolving, services betas coming soon

Ah its almost that time of the year, when we start posting 5 times a day with more screenshots than you can shake a stick at. Just to wet the appetite, the url for the Windows Live People service now …

Photosynth: User Review

As Kip mentioned in his post about the Photosynth release, I’ve been playing about with Photosynth. I was that is, ’til it decided it won’t publish any more of my Synths. I made two, deleted one and then …

PhotoSynth released as a Worldwide “Software + Services” Download, to become part of MSN

photosynthlogo Photosynth, which was initially released as a Microsoft Live Labs Technology Preview, is being released as a new free service, to become part of MSN.  The new product, available at, combines a 20gb online storage and presentation piece, …

West Des Moines, Iowa is “Where the Internet Lives”; site for newest Microsoft data center

 Microsoft and the state of Iowa have announced the location of the newest Microsoft data center, in West Des Moines, Iowa.  Located “southwest of the intersection of Booneville Road and South 88th Street (also known as Xavier Place)” …

Microsoft plans to use Powerset to tailor search

Microsoft plans to use the tools it acquired in Powerset to “gain an edge against Google” according to a report coming out of the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose on Tuesday.  Senior Vice President Satya Nadella believe that …

Windows Live Video Messages site is live for now (it says Sept 9th)

Thanks for the comments in the last post, it appears that Windows Live Video Messages is up and running, at  Sign in with a Live ID, and give it a try (you may have to back out of …

Windows Live Video Messages – new tech preview coming soon (sidebar gadget available for download now)

You kill one service, and another one springs up to take its place. The Windows Live Support and Feedback sites helpfully spilled the beans on Windows Live Video Messages, a new beta service that ties in with the LifeCam …

Live Mesh Expands

Amit Mital posts on the Live Mesh blog that the CTP has now been expanded to include Canada, India and Ireland. One thing Amit does point out though is:

We do still have a maximum limit on the number

Microsoft looks to kill off WL Favourites – Skydrive becomes storage central

Its true, nobody is perfect. In fact during the May 22nd update to Skydrive, we missed the addition of Favourites support to Windows Live Skydrive (hey pp2 missed it until recently too!). Interestingly enough the team blog post didn’t …

The Potential Of Live Mesh Is Limitless…But What Are The Limits Today?

The potential is limitless, but just how many folders and files can you put in Live Mesh today? What’s the maximum file size and how many people can you invite into a folder? Is there a limit to the number …