
Live Search Add-in for Firefox: adds Auto Suggest

Just released today is an add-in for Firefox that supports the auto-suggest feature in Live Search, available for download at


According to a blog post from Alessandro Catorcini, Lead Program Manager for the Live Search API:


Google patches Chrome browser to work with Hotmail

We’ve been seeing lots of complaints on Twitter and elsewhere about Hotmail not working in Google’s new browser, Chrome.  So today, rather than waiting for Hotmail to address the problem, Google patched Chrome to work with Hotmail, by adding …

Managing your contacts with Windows Live People – Update being rolled out!

Managing your contacts is going to be easier as a new update is rolling out:

During the past year, we set out to build a few new things:

  • A unified contact list for all Windows Live users across all

Webcam issues with Messenger stir comments

Last week Windows Live Wire, the Windows Live team blog posted an acknowledgement that “a small number of you are experiencing audio and video problems with your webcam after installing the latest version of Windows Live Messenger”.  According to the …

Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate Now Available

Internet Explorer 8 has moved from beta to Release Candidate and is publically available for download today. Internet Explorer 8 RC1 is available in 25 languages for Windows Vista, XP, and Server only! Windows 7 users will get an updated …

Live Mesh: Mac Software Hotfix (0.9.3712.831)

We missed out on this one with all the other news (and playing about in Windows 7):

To all Live Mesh customers who have experienced crashes with the 0.9.3712.831 version of the Live Mesh for Mac software: A new

Sneak peek of the new Windows Live FrameIt

Last week we reported the announcement that Windows Live FrameIt will soon to be updated with a Wave 3 theme, to have integration with Live Mesh, and soon to have a client and SDK released. Today we got the chance …

Office Live to join Windows Live

Yesterday Mary Jo Foley reported that Office Live will be joining Windows Live in Wave 4, at least in terms of how the products are presented to consumers, and today a post on the OfficeLiveWorkSpaceCommunity blog further confirms it.  Office …

Windows Live Translator adds Polish

Windows Live Translator gained yet another language, Polish this time. This brings the total amount of languages to 14, namely; Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

WLTranslatorPolish IEaccelerator  …

Some notes on the Microsoft layoffs

Big news out of Redmond today as the company announced elimination of some 5,000 positions in the next 18 months, some 1,400 of which are expected to come today.  In addition, cuts are also coming to contractors, both in non-renewal …