News Is This The “More”? Web Slice For What’s New With Your Network

Might this be the “more” spoken about here? Picturepan2, spotted something in Angus Logan’s vids that were posted in Rob Dolin’s post:
A web slice* icon on! Now what might that be for? From what …

MSN to launch new homepage option; testing topic focused homepages has just launched a new home page option, this one focused on Entertainment, and is kicking off a new phase of topic-focused homepage testing.

From the MSN Home page, you should see an option on the left hand …

Microsoft pubCenter beta goes public

Microsoft pubCenter, an ad publishing tool (think Google Adsense) from Microsoft Advertising, after existing as a private beta for a number of months, goes into public beta today, April 22.

Kevin McCabe, Senior Product Manager for pubCenter beta, will be …

Windows Live Calendar Update!

Have you noticed any problems with Windows Live Calendar, with Birthday Calendars in particular? They should be fixed now, the team posted the following message:

We’ve just finished updating Live Calendar to fix up some of the problematic

Happy Earth Day!

image Today is Earth Day, a day designated nearly 40 years ago to inspire awareness of and appreciation for our environment. But it isn’t easy to be green, according to this study from MSN. Nearly 70 percent of people …

Sifting through Trademark applications: Kumo, or Sift, or who knows what?

All this business about what the new name for Live Search might be has a lot of blog writers and journalists turning over all kinds of rocks, including lots of fun with TESS, the US Patent and Trademark Office’s …

Coming Next Week: New Web Activities And Contact Importing From MySpace, Hi5 And Tagged

fpcomplete_thumb[1] Yes, we’ve been waiting for this! In the next few days, 20 new feed partners will be added to Windows Live, so you can add all your activities on for example Facebook, Digg,, SmugMug, and …

Web IM In Hotmail

Web IM is coming to Hotmail. It became available to users in France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, and the UK last month and starting today it will roll out to Brazil, Canada, China

More Windows Live Mobile Wave 3 Updates for Hotmail, Messenger and Home

Last time we told you about the new Windows Live Hotmail Mobile beta. Yesterday the team on Windows Live Wire announced that the new Windows Live Hotmail for mobile is now final! Together with the announcement, the team also …

AT&T Launches Child Locator Service With Virtual Earth

AT&TfammapWorried about your child’s whereabouts when he/she isn’t at home? AT&T just launched a service, called FamilyMap, that allows you to follow your child in real time via his/her mobile phone (yep, it does require your child to have …