Back in August, the Hotmail team temporarily removed adding photos to the body of Windows Live Hotmail messages due to a security issue in the upload tool. They have been building an updated version of the tool and now you …
Back in August, the Hotmail team temporarily removed adding photos to the body of Windows Live Hotmail messages due to a security issue in the upload tool. They have been building an updated version of the tool and now you …
Microsoft is now saying that “most, if not all” Sidekick data thought to be lost in a server upgrade to Danger’s Sun/Oracle platform can now be recovered, according to a press release issued by Roz Ho, Corporate Vice-President for Premium …
After more than a week of silence on what caused the Sidekick outage with Danger, the Los Angeles Times today quotes Microsoft spokesperson Tonya Klause, not really explaining what happened, but definitely distancing Microsoft cloud services such as Windows Live …
Thanks to a tip we learn today that Windows Live users in Singapore now have their own standalone version of Windows Live Web Messenger. Just by way of a history lesson, MSN Messenger had a standalone web messenger, and …
The story had been brewing for a week or more: TMobile Sidekick users started reporting that their information stored online: email, contacts, calendar, etc., were inaccessible starting around a week ago Friday. TMobile acknowledged the problem that Sunday, but it …
You just can’t make this stuff up. It’s like Microsoft is living in some parallel advertising universe where the object is to generate as much jaw dropping disbelief to their ads as possible. If the Windows 7 launch party videos weren’t enough, …
The Photosynth team has released a major new feature called Overhead View. Overhead View allows you to look at the synth from above in 3D points. It also offers a new way of navigation, which is particularly handy for larger …
Yesterday we told you about Windows Mobile Marketplace going live. Today we can tell you more about which Windows Phones will use Windows Mobile 6.5 and some more about My Phone.
First the phones. Microsoft and its partners now …
With today’s announcements around the release of Windows Phone (Windows Mobile 6.5) comes not only an updated MyPhone, but upgrades to both the mobile client and web experience for Windows Live for Windows Mobile. Not much from Windows Live …
Tom Warren at is reporting on the temporary release of thousands of Hotmail addresses and passwords, apparently gathered in some kind of a phishing scam. Microsoft is “actively investigating”, according to Neowin. While this is never good news, …