
A new home for our Pivot (and more codes!)

MSOP-Logo Just a little housekeeping on our ongoing Live Labs Pivot project, the MS Org Pivot, which we wrote about earlier.  We originally posted our Pivot attempt on an unused personal domain, but we’ve moved it now to a new …

An early peek at Wave 4: Neowin posts screenshots

Our friends at have posted some screenshots they’ve obtained of two works-in-progress Windows Live products, Messenger and Writer.  We won’t join in the DMCA games here, but the screenshots appear to be real, and show Messenger with tabs (finally), …

Windows Live Movie Maker: YouTube publishing issue now resolved

MovieMakerDid you try to upload your video to YouTube through Windows Live Movie Maker only to see it fail? It wasn’t just you! Turns out it was a change made on that caused this (authentication) failure.

This issue was

Mix10 registration opens Spring conference season: who will have the Wave 4 news?

Well really we expect to hear at least SOMETHING (please?) about Windows Live and Wave 4 at CES in January (only a few weeks away!), but the real season of Wave 4 seems to be set to begin in “the …

MSN Continues push for local: 2 new video partnerships

Today on the MSN blog, MSN Local Edition Director Cyrus Krohn announced two new partnerships to bring more local video to US cities on the new look  Slated to start in January, the partnerships, with Hearst Television and NBC …

Microsoft combines Azure and Windows Server orgs: “Server and Cloud Division”

azurepics Microsoft announced today that Windows Azure and Windows Server will together become a new division in the Server and Tools Business: the Server and Cloud Division.  If it wasn’t clear before, Microsoft is heavily invested in “the cloud”, and this …

Photosynth: New release and new UI

Photosynth got a new release. The download of imagery when you zoom has been improved and there’s a new UI:
1. The Controls – All controls are still there, in the middle we find a navigation disk.
2. View Control

Creating the Microsoft Executive Pivot (we play, and you can too)

We’ve been giving away Live Labs Pivot codes (and yes, we have more to share later on in this post), but after returning from PDC and learning a bit about the new “experiment” from Live Labs, we’ve finally been able …

Windows Live at PDC: Live Framework Calendar sync coming?

Last Thursday we attended the only Windows Live PDC session, entitled “The Audience API: Live Framework Present and Future”, presented by Windows Live Senior Program Manager Todd Manion.  In the session, which revisited the Messenger Web Toolkit and …

Windows Live Essentials & Services Book

For everyone who wants to get the most out of Windows Live: The Windows Live Essentials and Services Book.

imageThis book by MVP Brad Jones and Marcus Schmidt is a full-color, step-by-step guide for using Microsoft’s new Windows Live