
Twitter confirmed to be coming back to Windows Live

Microsoft discontinued support for the Twitter connected service in Windows Live back in June 2010 due to policy changes made on Twitter’s end, and never reached an agreement with Twitter since then to make it available again. During Mobile World …

Zune originals shuttered–Another nail in the Zune (device) coffin?

Zune Originals, the official online store for Zune devices, has closed its doors as of July 1st.  A page on the site (www.zuneoriginals.net) offers up thanks for all the fish, and continues to throw “damning with faint praise” …

First step for Xbox LIVE on Windows 8: Games for Windows Marketplace merging with Xbox.com

A post on the Games for Windows Marketplace website today was made announcing that Games for Windows Marketplace will be fully transitioning to Xbox.com:

Site Merge

The announcement is also followed by the Games for Windows newsletter, which states:

Games for

Huge wave of official apps arrives at Windows Phone Marketplace; reaches 25,000 apps

On July 1, 2011, the Windows Phone Marketplace has reached an important milestone – reaching 25,000 apps in total. While we’ve seen quite a bit of "spam apps" in the marketplace (despite introducing a 20-app limit to bulk app publishing

Hotmail: It’s fast. Is that enough?

Today over at Inside Windows Live, Dick Craddock walks us through some recent work, just released, on Hotmail, citing some impressive speed improvements.  By modernizing Hotmail to make better use of caching, pre-loading, and asynchronous operations, speed has …

Office 365 drops beta tag, final pricing and plans revealed

Office 365In just less than two hours (10AM EDT), Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is set to launch their Office 365 cloud computing service in a New York launch party. Office 365 had been available for beta testing since October last year …

First Nokia Windows Phone handset revealed by Stephen Elop

After the several rumors coming out about Nokia Windows Phones recently, it appears the first device picture of the Nokia Windows Phone has been leaked to the web. Hungarian website Technet.hu recently posted a few pictures showing what the new …

SkyDrive updated to Wave 5 with full UI revamp, new features and performance improvements

SkyDriveLiveSide exclusively showed off the first screenshots of the new SkyDrive back in May. A few weeks ago, we also saw further screenshot leaks giving us a glimpse of what’s to come. Today, Microsoft officially unveiled a major update to …

First wave of Nokia Windows Phones to launch in six European countries, with QWERTY keyboard?

Nokia Windows PhoneA few news is coming out recently in relation the first wave of Nokia Windows Phones due to be launching around Q4 2011. AllAboutPhones.nl (via WMPU) reports that Victor Saeijs, Vice President of Nokia Europe, told attendees at the …

New Hotmail Wave 5 look, features spotted

Thanks to a couple of tips it looks like Hotmail has a bit of a new look and at least one new feature.  Last week we showed you that the new consolidated header for SkyDrive is already appearing on “Hotmail …