
Twitter and Microsoft: What’s the deal?

twitter-bird2A post at All Things D yesterday revealed that, after Twitter and Google parted ways (at least temporarily) recently, things maybe aren’t going so well in negotiations to renew the relationship between Twitter and Bing.

Bing, like Google, signed a …

Toshiba-Fujitsu’s first Windows Phone “Mango” device coming to Japan in August

Fujitsu Windows PhoneA few days ago we just reported several rumored details about Fujitsu’s new Windows Phone “Mango” device, said to be based on their REGZA line of smartphones. Today, the Japanese news agency NIKKEI reported that the first Windows Phone …

Microsoft hints that Windows Phone 7.5 Mango will be released by September

Ever since Microsoft first talked about Mango back in Mobile World Congress earlier in February this year, Microsoft had been saying that the update will be available for release by “Fall 2011”. There had been speculations that it will be …

More TOS changes, this time it’s Yahoo! (and we go back in time, to Windows Live Mail Active Search)

Early last week, Dropbox changed its Terms of Service and set off a bit of a tempest in a teacup.  Although since then, it’s become clear that the “uproar” didn’t bother investors too much, as the company has been recently …

Microsoft reveals new Windows Phone Mango devices from Samsung, Fujitsu, ZTE and Acer

In a rather surprising move today, Andy Lees, President of Windows Phone Division, revealed to the world several of the new Windows Phone “Mango” devices during Microsoft’s annual Worldwide Partner Conference 2011 in Los Angeles. In the Day 2 keynote

Steve Ballmer at WPC: the Zune Confusion

At yesterday’s WPC (Worldwide Partners Conference) in Los Angeles, Steve Ballmer took the stage to talk about the state of Microsoft and Windows, touching on Skype (saying it will enhance enterprise level Lync communications, not undermine it), Bing (a new …

Yes, Hotmail Connector includes HTTPS support

Yesterday, we told you about an upgrade to Windows Live Essentials that included for the first time support for HTTPS settings in Windows Live Mail.  Included in the update was an updated version of the Hotmail Connector for Outlook, and …

changed, one account only!

Last week the sign-in page for Hotmail (and other sign-in pages that use Windows Live ID) has changed from multiple user tiles to one account…image
Why? That’s a good question. According to Eric Doerr there were some problems with …

Facebook, Skype, and video chat: Where does that leave Messenger?

fb skypeToday, Facebook and Skype announced Facebook Video Calling, basically a “mini Skype client” running within Facebook, allowing you to video chat one on one with any of your Facebook friends.  Our friend Rafael Rivera, already digging through the …

As Dropbox drops users, we look at SkyDrive’s TOS

dropboxIt’s been a tough couple of weeks for Dropbox, the free (up to 2gb, with a paid option for more space) service that promises to easily store and sync “your stuff”.  First, on June 19th, Dropbox, owing to a code