Author Archive

Bing Search blog tackles Search Quality with “Insights”

bing communityDr. Harry Shum introduced a new series of blog posts on the Bing Search blog today, focusing on “Search Quality Insights”.  Shum contends that “there has never been a more fascinating or challenging time in the search space”, noting that …

The long botched history of Windows Live

As longtime readers know, Windows Live and LiveSide go way back.  We started this blog in January 2006,  two months after the Windows Live initiative was announced.  Since then, we’ve been there for beta tests and the transitions and transformations, …

Windows 8 Consumer Preview keynote posted

Earlier today (February 29th), Steven Sinofsky, Julie Larson-Greene and others took the stage at the Windows 8 Consumer Preview launch event in Barcelona, in conjunction with the Mobile World Congress.  The event wasn’t webcast live, and although the download went …

Bing apps for the Windows 8 Consumer Preview

If you’re not in a hotel meeting room, you’re probably downloading or have already downloaded the Windows 8 Consumer Preview.  If so, you can play with three new Bing apps: Finance, Weather, and Maps.  The Bing team has posted

Windows 8 Consumer Preview, apps now available

At a non-webcast press event at MWC in Barcelona today, Steven Sinofsky and Julie Larson-Greene took the stage to unveil the Windows 8 Consumer Preview.  The new operating system, with its Metro style interface and “fast and fluid” design, is …

The big news (and impressive showing) from Nokia at MWC

Nokia just concluded its press conference in Barcelona at MWC with the unveiling of 5 new phones (only one of them a Windows Phone), new software experiences, and a pretty amazing new imaging technology called “PureView”.  Also announced were …

Nokia to live webcast MWC press conference

mwc(Countdown clock: [countdown date=2012/02/27/-08:30:00 offset=1] [timer] until the Nokia press conference begins![/countdown])

If you’re like us and want to catch the latest Nokia (and presumably Windows Phone) news from MWC, and are eagerly awaiting their press conference but weren’t quite …

No PC to PC sync in new SkyDrive

FileWinLive-syncOne of the questions our commenters asked about the upcoming integration of Windows Live Mesh into SkyDrive was “what about direct Device to Device synchronization?”.  Currently, you can use Windows Live Mesh to sync folders from device to device, …

Bing adds Linked Pages

Microsoft took another small step toward Bing integration with Facebook today with the introduction of Bing Linked Pages.  By allowing Bing to connect up with your Facebook account, you can now manage the way your “vanity search” looks in Bing, …

Is this the end of “Windows Live” as we know it?

The future of Microsoft’s consumer online services, especially around SkyDrive, are arguably brighter than they’ve ever been.  This week’s announcements that SkyDrive will finally provide a full client experience, with sync capabilities, folder upload, larger file sizes, and more, while …