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The new Bing is live (well, 2/3 of it)

bing slogaIf you’re in the US (or can fool your browser into thinking you are), the new Bing, with its double dose of sidebars, is available now, either by opting in to the banner that should be appearing on, …

Google, Bing advance, Yahoo! down in latest search market polls: can Facebook help Bing?

bing-logoIt’s that time of the month again when the US search market share numbers come out, and while the three major pollsters (comScore, Compete, and Nielsen, who haven’t released this month’s rankings yet) don’t always agree, the trends usually line …

Two key new components of the “New” Bing: Snapshots and Sidebar, and some notes on the webcast

Last week, we saw Bing roll out a new design featuring a clean new look, the removal of the left hand sidebar, and an “uncluttered, simple, and fast” archecture.  Now today, with the announcement of the New Bing, we see …

Bing announces new social search

Bing has scheduled a live webcast for 10 am PDT today, just a few minutes from now, to introduce “The New Bing”, which includes a new sidebar to interact with your friends to be able to search more socially.

A …

A note on comments: Disqus 2012

disqus-logoFirst of all, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to comment on LiveSide.  We’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for you to do that, although …

Bing tests (then stops) search results in a new tab: are you ok with being a guinea pig?

This morning a number of tech blogs are reporting on what apparently is another test of Bing users, this time with search results opening in a new tab:

bing new tab

Along with lots of other people around the world, We’re seeing it …

Bing Maps Bird’s Eye and Streetside updates

We don’t hear as much about Bing Maps imagery updates as we did in the old days when Chris Pendleton gave us regular updates on the Bing Maps blog, but the Bing Maps team is still hard at work updating …

Nokia announces new app partnerships at CTIA: Exclusive PGA Tour, ESPN, Groupon, more

Nokia_logoIn New Orleans today, at the CTIA Wireless conference, Nokia announced a number of partnerships bringing a number of high profile apps to Nokia and Windows Phone, some of them exclusive at the start.

The Windows Phone Marketplace currently …

Microsoft at E3: expect “a lot of dashboard”, interface, multimedia, says analyst

xbox-dashboard-625x347Back in March, Microsoft came right out and said that there would be “no talk of new Xbox hardware at E3 or anytime soon” even though there are rumors of new hardware development kits already in production, …

Xbox 360 to “change living room entertainment forever”: watch the E3 Media Briefing on Spike TV or Xbox Live

We’ll be in LA for E3, but you can follow along at home, according to Major Nelson and Spike TV.  The Microsoft E3 Media Briefing will be carried live (Monday, June 4th, 10am PDT) on Spike TV, and for …