Author Archive

Does Microsoft have a future? (Part 1: Adam Hartung’s post on Forbes)

windows-8-logoAbout a week ago, analyst Adam Hartung, writing in Forbes, wrote in “Microsoft Still Can’t Find Its Future. Is It Too Late for the Company?” (if you want a glimpse at Hartung’s answer to his own question,  the …

SkyDrive adds Live Tiles notifications

20724Looks like the folks at Microsoft might be learning how to write apps for their own operating system, finally.  Today, in a post on the Inside SkyDrive blog, Mike Torres announced that the SkyDrive apps for Windows 8 and …

Windows Phone 7.8 on the way, SDK released

clip_image001_4CDE0A94Well it can’t be long now before Microsoft, phone manufacturers, and the wireless carriers release Windows Phone 7.8, the long awaited updated to Windows Phone 7.5 that will bring Windows Phone 8’s three sizes of tiles and some new functionality …

Could a stake in Dell help Microsoft become a “devices” company?

surface blueLast week reports started surfacing about a potential leveraged buyout of publically held Dell, Inc., which would reportedly take the company private as it struggles to keep up in an increasingly mobile world.  Now today, CNBC and The Wall Street …

On reading Sinofsky: thoughts

OM_biggerThis morning Steven Sinofsky posted again to his blog, this time on “Managing through disagreement”.  The post, clocking in at a mere 2,772 words, is interesting on a number of levels.  First, Steven Sinofsky is well known as …

Bing continues Facebook friendship with Social Sidebar updates

bing-logoYesterday, Facebook announced “Graph Search”, an ambitious project to allow searching Facebook for profile and “Like” driven information, and to expand Bing web search results when a Graph Search result comes up empty.  Now today, Bing is announcing that they …

Xbox Live migration now available

xbox-live-logoIn a post on the Major Nelson blog, Xbox Live’s Larry Hyrb has posted today that Xbox Live migration is now available in its streamlined form, and you can now move your Xbox Live membership from one country/region to another.…

Will Facebook Graph Search boost Bing?

Today, at a press event at the Palo Alto, California headquarters of Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced what he called the 3rd of the three pillars of Facebook (along with the Facebook News Feed and the Timeline), Graph Search.

fb graph search

Zuckerberg …

The Sinofsky Spin: will we hear the other side of the story?

OM_biggerIn case you missed it, Steven Sinofsky, who left Microsoft immediately after the launch of Windows 8 by “mutual” agreement, has started blogging again.  Sinofsky was famous for his internal blog posts while at Microsoft, and turned a series of …

Google Maps returns to Windows Phone (does anyone care?)

google-maps-wpAfter a flurry of bad PR late last week, Google has apparently rethought its user-agent string blocking of Windows Phone devices to its Google Maps service, and users are now reporting that they’re able to access Google Maps (we …