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Spinning the Bing – Google I/O spin

bing-logoToday, on the Bing Search blog, Bing Director Stefan Weitz posted on some thoughts he and his team had while watching last week’s Google I/O keynote.  Weitz starts off by summing up what he and his team surmised was …

More Xbox One details emerge: TV integration, Second-hand play, more

xbox-one-allMicrosoft wanted to make today’s Xbox One announcements about “big themes”, but of course, with all the attention of the gaming world focused on a tent in Redmond, that isn’t sitting too well, and bloggers and journalists both in Redmond …

Xbox: revealing

Today is the big day for Xbox news, as Microsoft has gathered members of the press and others together on the Microsoft campus, all under a big ass tent (it’s been raining all night here in Seattle, they’re gonna need …

Live Chat coming to Bing?

Chat has been a hot topic this week, what with the addition of Google contacts into and the backlash it caused coming from Google, new abilities to chat from within SkyDrive on, the announcements of Google Hangouts, and …

Xbox gets a new official blog: The Wire

Just in time for next week’s Xbox Reveal event, where Microsoft will for the first time unveil its next generation Xbox (Xboxes?), a new blog, Xbox Wire, debuted today:

xbox wire

Xbox’s Director of Xbox Live programming, Larry Hyrb, or as …

Microsoft and Google: is this war?

google-io-logoSome shots were fired back and forth today between Microsoft and Google in a series of exchanges both from the stage at Google I/O, and behind the scenes with some well placed leaks that come perilously close to crossing the …

The next Windows Phone update (GDR2), shipping with the Lumia 925, is coming to more devices this summer

Lumia625_group_465This morning (very early this morning, if you’re on the US west coast!) Nokia officially announced the Lumia 925, a lighter aluminum body version of the Lumia 920 that’s coming to T-Mobile here in the US, Vodaphone in Europe, …

Chat with your Google friends still “stuck on Gmail” from

google-logoIn a blog post on the blog today, Microsoft has announced that it’s rolling out Google chat integration, allowing you to chat with your Google friends from  The feature works across your inbox, as well as …

Nokia officially announces the Lumia 925

Lumia625-pic2-465At a press event in London today, Nokia’s Jo Harlow showed off the new Nokia 925, a slimmer, aluminum body Lumia device featuring a snap on wireless charging cover, and including Hipstamatic, a previously iPhone only photo sharing app that …

Windows Essentials 2012 updated

windows essentialsSometime today Microsoft has updated Windows Essentials 2012, the suite formerly known as Windows Live Essentials, increasing the build number from 16.4.3505.0912 to 16.4.3508.0205.  All of the suite products appear to have been updated (although we’ve given up on …