Looks like the land grab is about to get underway. According to the Mail Support blog, anyone will be able to get a new email account with an @live.com or an @windowslive.com address beginning next Tuesday, June 20.
Looks like the land grab is about to get underway. According to the Mail Support blog, anyone will be able to get a new email account with an @live.com or an @windowslive.com address beginning next Tuesday, June 20.
Tonight Ray Ozzie presented a very enlightening keynote on why software as a service is important (a disruption, to use his term), that it will fundamentally change the way we use computers, and where Microsoft's implementation of services, Windows Live, …
Windows Live at Tech-Ed
Tech Ed is about to begin, with a Ray Ozzie keynote tonite (Sunday June 11) at 7pm EDT (gmt -5). We're expecting some Windows Live announcements during the week, including the official announcement of dev.live.com, some …
…on the eve of the official announcement of dev.live.com. First off, a new SDK (software development kit) has surfaced at dev.live.com and MSDN, the
Messenger Add-In SDK – beta. Unfortunately, the two available sdk's for Messenger are listed …
Niall Kennedy, in a rare post actually about Windows Live on his blog ;), brings us MSReadr:
…Many people like to keep up with new product announcements and launches across Microsoft but wish they had an aggregated way
At Gnomedex this past weekend, I got a chance to talk with Steve Kafka, Program Manager for Windows Live Mail. After being inside the conference most of the day, we went outside the Bell Harbor Convention Center into a …
The Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta blog announces Active Search, soon to be available to a small group of beta participants in the US. This new feature searches email for relevant terms, and then provides search links automatically, without …
We probably don't spend near enough time here at LiveSide on Xbox and Xbox Live, but there's a bunch of Xbox sites, and of course they're all abuzz this week with news of the upcoming major update to Xbox Live, …
Another Windows Live SDK has been released, this time for Windows Live Gadgets, and you can "start using this SDK right now to build Gadgets that run on Live.com" according to James Lau on the Gadgets blog. The Live …