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Office Live Workspaces beta begins

OfficeLiveMicrosoft announced today that it is rolling out entry into the beta of Office Live Workspaces, a new service that will allow document storage in the cloud from within Office applications.  You can sign up for the beta, and …

Bill Gates, Mix n Mash, and the future of Microsoft

Being in the same room with Bill Gates, while it wasn’t breathtakingly nerve-wracking (he is, after all, a geek, and we weren’t there for a performance review, we were just lucky enough to be able to ask him a few

MSN/Windows Live to remain at Red West, says Seattle Times

Ben Romano, a Tech writer for the Seattle Times, has an interesting tidbit in Tech Tracks today, that MSN and Windows Live product teams will not be moving from their home in what’s known as Red West, a Microsoft …

Mix n Mash: on Mix08, Feedsync, Silverlight, and an hour with Bill Gates

 LiveSide is an enthusiasts website.  We follow Windows Live because we’re intrigued by the promise of the software and services, and we’re honored to have developed a following and a reputation as a reliable source of news about Windows Live.  …

LiveSide asks Bill Gates a question (how cool is that?) – Read the full transcript

Just got the transcript of our hour with Bill Gates, so I wanted to get it up for you as soon as I could.  Bill started out with a little preamble about the future of computing, and then it was …

Microsoft buys WebFives: mobile photo upload and sharing enhancements headed for Windows Live

Brier Dudley of the Seattle Times reports that WebFives will be ceasing operations at the end of the year, after being bought by Microsoft. The Seattle start-up was started by Mike Toutonghi, the former Microsoft Distinguished Engineer who started Windows …

More @live addresses available: India, Philippines, Spain

Posted on the Live Wire blog earlier today, news of some new additions to the @live.xx family.  If you live in these areas, you can sign up for a country specific @live address now, by going to

  • India: You

Office Live Workspaces Add-In now available: Beta to begin soon?

Thanks to Josh at Windows Connected for pointing out a new download now available that adds in menu options to be able to open and save documents directly to Office Live Workspaces when it becomes available.  From the download details

Messenger 9 Beta appears to be up and running

Well it didn’t take long for information to start appearing about the Messenger 9 Beta – a poster over on the WinBeta Forums has posted a welcome email and some screenshots.  According to the post, the email says, in part:…

As Google readies “GDrive”, will Microsoft lead, or follow?

Some seemingly non-news coming out of the Wall Street Journal tonight, saying that Google is readying their online storage product, commonly referred to as GDrive. The Journal doesn’t offer any really new information, saying only in the publicly accessible copy:…