We told you about our server issues a month or so ago, and ever since then we’ve been working behind the scenes to make a move over to our brand new server. You can see all the specs in the …
We told you about our server issues a month or so ago, and ever since then we’ve been working behind the scenes to make a move over to our brand new server. You can see all the specs in the …
Photosynth, which was initially released as a Microsoft Live Labs Technology Preview, is being released as a new free service, to become part of MSN. The new product, available at www.photosynth.net, combines a 20gb online storage and presentation piece, …
Microsoft and the state of Iowa have announced the location of the newest Microsoft data center, in West Des Moines, Iowa. Located “southwest of the intersection of Booneville Road and South 88th Street (also known as Xavier Place)” …
Microsoft plans to use the tools it acquired in Powerset to “gain an edge against Google” according to a report coming out of the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose on Tuesday. Senior Vice President Satya Nadella believe that …
Thanks for the comments in the last post, it appears that Windows Live Video Messages is up and running, at http://videomessages.live.com/Portal/default.aspx?lc=1033. Sign in with a Live ID, and give it a try (you may have to back out of …
There has been several debates raging today about the Olympics coverage from various media outlets thus far, and in particular regarding NBC in the US, who Microsoft have partnered with (see NBC doesn’t feature Bolt, has Silverlight take-up really …
Just thought I’d do a little promotion for one of our old friends, Steven Sinofsky, who is now blogging with John DeVaan over at Engineering Windows 7 (or e7 for short). There’s a welcome post up already, which leaves you …
A new update for Office Live Workspace appeared on the Microsoft Download Center today (thanks Alex for the tip!). The update, version 1.2, published 8/12/2008, includes:
…(1) performance updates to make using Office Live Workspace with Microsoft Office programs
Apparently there’s been a bit of a stir around what Google Maps did/didn’t do to their maps of the country of Georgia. In a blog post today, Google says they haven’t done anything to their maps in relation to …
With all the fuss in recent weeks about Apple’s dismal failure with MobileMe, in particular around providing a stable and reliable service, its interesting to see that today Google is having issues also. With Gmail down, Twitter is on …