Author Archive

Windows 7 RTMs: Where’s Windows Live?

sinofskyballmerwin7goldmgx Our friend Brandon LeBlanc breathlessly announced the RTM of Windows 7 yesterday, surprising almost exactly no one that 7 would ship on time, ready for the holiday season.  Our congratulations to Microsoft and the Windows teams that made it happen, …

Raxco offers OneCare subscribers special pricing on PerfectSpeed, new PC Optimizer

Raxco Software, makers of PerfectDisk disk defragmentation software, today released PerfectSpeed, a new PC optimization suite that offers “a certified disk defragmenter, registry cleaner, duplicate file remover and advanced privacy protection”.  According to the press release, Raxco …

Happy 10th Anniversary Windows Live Messenger

Just up on YouTube (where else?) is a fun little video in celebration of Windows Live (formerly MSN) Messenger’s 10th Anniversary.


The Inside Windows Live Messenger blog has more on the anniversary celebration (and a post from last

Oh snap. MSN to discontinue Soapbox (we’re screwed)

soapbox Here’s one from the “saw this coming from a mile away” department.  After “scaling back” the user uploaded video service last month, today an email confirmed that the other shoe has dropped, and that MSN Soapbox will be closing.  …

Another open source announcement: Microsoft releases Live@edu plug in for Moodle

moodle Microsoft got some open source press yesterday when it submitted some 20,000 lines of device driver code to Linux, and today Microsoft is releasing a plug in for the open source classroom content management system Moodle.

Moodle, based …

Right on schedule, news of an “imminent” MSFT-YHOO search deal

microsoft-yahoo We haven’t been commenting much on the buzz surrounding Bing’s first month numbers, partly because we’ve grown a little tired of “woohoo a .4% increase” posts, partly because we’ve been stuck in the real world a bit this summer, …

Office 2010 begins Technical Preview: Office Web Applications available through Windows Live at no cost

microsoft-office At the Worldwide Partners Conference in New Orleans today, Microsoft announced a “major milestone and Technical Preview” for Office 2010, with “tens of thousands” of beta invitations to the technical preview going out beginning today (just received ours …

Microsoft to launch new music streaming service “this month”

According to a report in the UK Telegraph, Microsoft is set to launch a new music service this month.  The new service “will offer users the chance to stream music for free and also download to own”.  According to …

More markets to get full version of Bing: beta tag coming off?

Ars Technica is reporting that the full version of Bing will arrive in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, and the UK “in the next few weeks”.  Emil Protalinski at Ars Technica does not provide any attribution or link to a source …

Fisher Fire websites back up – except for Bing Travel

Nearly 30 hours after some problems with overheated switches caused the fire system to dump water in the Fisher Plaza data center, most of the websites affected have come back online.  Here’s a description of what happened, from TechFlash:…