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We’re gathering up Bing info from wherever we can

Kara Swisher is liveblogging the Bing news event, but apparently she’s off in search of donuts, no wait, here’s something:

He kicks off the show with some stats and a main point: Microsoft’s search share has, as his first slide

New on the Bing home page: History, mouse hover links

One thing we’ve just noticed with the Bing home page is the addition of History.  History is not a new feature, but having it on the home page is.  And when you hover over any of the “explorer bar” features …

Bing execs to show new features today


In a “private news event” (ooh, MS is taking this Murdoch stuff seriously 😉  ), today at 10:00 am in San Francisco, Bing executives Satya Nadella, Harry Shum, Erik Jorgensen, and Brian MacDonald and others are set to “showcase and …

Creating the Microsoft Executive Pivot (we play, and you can too)

We’ve been giving away Live Labs Pivot codes (and yes, we have more to share later on in this post), but after returning from PDC and learning a bit about the new “experiment” from Live Labs, we’ve finally been able …

Windows Live at PDC: Live Framework Calendar sync coming?

Last Thursday we attended the only Windows Live PDC session, entitled “The Audience API: Live Framework Present and Future”, presented by Windows Live Senior Program Manager Todd Manion.  In the session, which revisited the Messenger Web Toolkit and …

Microsoft, Bing, and Murdoch: The Annoyance Factor

murdoch A story in Sunday’s Financial Times is reporting that Microsoft and Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. have been holding preliminary talks to pull News Corp. content from Google, and for Bing to then pay a premium for that content.   There’s quite …

A Bing boycott? Why not boycott China?

Yesterday in a blog post, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof called for a boycott of Bing, because of the way it handles Chinese characters searches outside of China when searching for politically sensitive (to China) material.

Today in …

Bing begins showing “latest posts”

One sure fire way to get a new feature noticed is to attach it to TechCrunch, and indeed TC noticed a new Bing feature yesterday that appears on Bing search results for “TechCrunch”:


The “Latest posts” feature only appears …

Live blog day 2

Here we go!  Live blog day 2!…

PDC Day One, working the halls

Thanks to Sunshine for recapping the PDC day one keynotes, our second day of keynotes, and liveblogging, is set to begin in a few hours.  At this PDC, to be sure, there’s not a lot of Windows Live news, or …