Microsoft explains the DNS service outage of September 8

Cat5e CablesA couple of weeks ago, on September 8th, a number of Windows Live Services, including Hotmail and SkyDrive, became unreachable via their respective domain names for a period of from less than two hours to many hours, depending on how …

A closer look at Windows Live Metro style apps on Windows 8: Mail and Calendar

Last Tuesday Microsoft gave us a first glimpse into the future of Windows Live during its BUILD conference, with Chris Jones, Corporate Vice President of Windows Live, demoing several Windows Live Metro style apps on Windows 8. Unfortunately these …

Windows 8: a bold and risky venture

Arriving in Anaheim earlier this week, we simply weren’t quite prepared for what we heard in our day long “reviewer’s workshop” on Monday, in the keynotes, and in getting someh hands on time with Windows 8 running on a touch …

Bing launches new Adaptive Search

Bing had been continuously innovating its search algorithms for its decision engine to compete in the search market, striving to bring a more personalized and natural search experience to users. Today the Bing team announced that they are rolling out …

WhatsApp coming soon to Windows Phone 7.5

One of the most wanted app that’s missing from the Windows Phone marketplace is finally coming soon! WhatsApp, a popular multi-platform instant messaging app, had been made available on iOS, Android, Blackberry, and even Nokia Symbian platform, however there had …

Live! from the Build Blogger Bash! WPDev Podcast’s Live Podcast!

Our friends from WP Dev Podcast are right up the street about to begin live podcasting our little Build soiree, the Build Blogger Bash.  Check it out and see you there!

Popout Chat Window

Oh by the way, where’s Windows Live Wave 5?

wleThis week at Build, we’ve heard about changes upcoming to the way mail and messaging will work in Windows 8, perhaps putting a Windows Live Messenger client and Windows Live Mail out of business, once you’ve moved over to …

BUILD: Built-in Xbox LIVE on Windows 8 confirmed, with screenshots of new dashboard

Some sharp eyes over at WinRumors who have spotted a BUILD session to be held today detailing how developers can build Xbox LIVE games for Windows 8. Here’s what the description of the session says:

Xbox LIVE, Microsoft’s premier entertainment

Messenger Connect is now “Live Connect” – new APIs for SkyDrive and Hotmail Calendar

As part of the announcement at the BUILD conference today, Microsoft announced a new SDK and accompanying REST APIs for Windows Live. Originally named “Messenger Connect”, the new developer tools have been expanded in scope and is now renamed “Live …

Build Liveblog Day 2

Welcome back!  Damaster has been doing great at keeping you up with the Windows Live news from Build, and we’re back with the Day 2 keynote, which is expected to be focused on cloud services, the new Visual Studio tools, …