Bing Maps out of beta

Chris Pendleton has been a busy guy today, posting on Destination Maps and Local Events, and to top it off his latest post announces that the Bing Maps Silverlight site is now out of beta:

First off, if

2010 Haiti Earthquake

Haiti got struck by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake last week (Jan 12). Many heartbreaking photos and videos can be seen all over (Internet, television, newspapers). If you wish to see an all-over picture of the disaster: Bing maps has …

Streetside Imagery added for Canada

Windows Live Mail Wave 4 to support Gmail’s labels, stars and archiving?

Twitter had been our friend lately to discover new gems about what’s coming in Windows Live Wave 4. We found a tweet by Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief from Engadget.com, who asked the following question:

Joshua Topolsky: How is it possible that no one has made a mail client that keeps the functionality of Gmail's labels, archiving, and stars? How hard is it?

Two hours later, a bit to our …

An early peek at Windows Mobile 7: “built from scratch”

WMPowerUser has been following a very interesting Twitter conversation with Eldar Murtazin from Mobile-Review.com, who has apparently scored an early look at an as-yet unreleased phone running an early build of Windows Mobile 7, if you can believe him …

A Bing URL shortener?

LiveSide reader Gilly2468 noticed an interesting tidbit in a Bing tweet from Fareologist this week, a Binged.IT url shortener:


Gilly has more on his (very nice looking, btw!) My Microsoft Life blog.  URL shorteners are becoming quite popular …

Are the Bing numbers telling the story?

images_charts-down-up The latest US search market share numbers from comScore, Hitwise, and Nielsen are out, and depending on who you believe, Bing is either up slightly, or down slightly, Yahoo! continues a downward trend, and Google just keeps on …

Notice: Get content off Silverlight Streaming before January 31st

MSSilverlightLogoIf you still have content on Silverlight Streaming by Windows Live Beta, now is the time to get it off. You can migrate your content to Azure* now and host it there, just like we do with our

The China Google rift: is it good for Bing?

googlebaibai Yesterday Google dropped quite a bombshell when it announced that, because of a series of attacks on Google and other companies by hackers trying to get access to Chinese human rights activists GMail accounts, it would reconsider its “approach to …

New on Bing: enhanced Health Instant Answers and more

A new post on the Bing search blog highlights some nice new features in Instant Answers for health related queries, including content from partners and new hard-to-discover search results.  Here’s a Bing search on h1n1:


The new Instant …