
dev.pngThe Windows Live Developer community site has now launched at, a few days before the start of Tech-Ed 2006. From the about page:

Windows Live Dev is your one-stop shop for the Windows Live Platform, including information on getting started with Windows Live services, latest documentation and APIs, samples, access to community areas and relevant blogs, and announcements of future releases and innovations. Windows Live Dev is a new site and will be growing over time, adding more content and features. Please, let us know what you think of the site and what you'd like to see in the future. Post to our "Chatter" forum and start a conversation about what you'd like to see. We'll see you there.

It will be interesting to see active the site gets, as 3rd party developers will be a critical force in determing how successful Windows Live is as a platform. On a random aside, does anybody else find the word "mashup" is overused now? Ken Levy used it 5 times and Dare used it 4 times during his first post on the new Spaces platform blog. Maybe its just me.

Ken Levy has more detail on the new site.