This coming week (May 1-5) the LiveSide staff will be making the pilgrimage to Microsoft's stronghold, Redmond, WA. Unfortunately Brandon will not be able to take the trip this week because of work obligations. Matthew and Kip will be attending the MSN Butterfly Tour on Monday and Tuesday, while myself and Chris will be representing the site at the MSN Strategic Account Summit. If anyone is interested in meeting up or showing off their products, Chris and I will be making the rounds on Friday after the event. Or, if anyone just wants to meetup or hang out at some point during the week, we are certainly open to that. Just email any of us to set something up!
Harrison: harrison AT liveside D0T net
Chris: chris AT liveside D0T net Matthew:
matthew AT liveside D0T net Kip:
kip AT liveside D0T net
Note: Some expenses have been paid for by Microsoft